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Hobie tensed as well, his eyes going from girl to girl as both spiders waited for the other girl's reaction. She stood from her place with a dark smile and went over the table to Gwen, making both spiders tense even further.

There was another silence as the cashier hurriedly went to the back of his store, not wanting to bother Nia as he she could do. Gwen could feel her heartbeat quicken under the woman's gaze making her slowly try and reach over to her web shooters, remembering with a silent curse that Hobie was the one who had them since she didn't have any pockets.

"He's dead. So if you think this is a funny joke, you should honestly stop" Nia's eyes went nearly entirely black for a second as she made Gwen uncomfortably lean away.

"N...no. I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't...I just didn't know he was...dead" Gwen stuttered out.

"So now you know" Nia growled out, stepping back away from the girl and roughly slipping her headphones over her ears "I'm taking you two back"

Hobie and Gwen hesitantly stood from the table and went to pay. Luckily they had a card for it but the huge amount that came up on the screen shocked the, greatly. Hobie gladly did so as the card was one Miguel had given them so...

They had to run out as Nia didn't wait for them to follow her. They weren't able to talk much with her as she had her music blaring so loudly in her ears that they could hear it out of the headphones.



Nia kept walking quickly as she could, tried to still ignore the two other teens that were walking next to her in silence. Or so she thought since she had put the music so loud she could hear nothing. She was a bit annoyed that Hobart was tall enough and had long enough legs that he could easily keep up with her while Gwen had to walk a bit faster to not loose them in the New York crowd.

"You're quiet there. Cat got your tongue luv?" Hobart teased her carefully.

"Is that Sex Pistols you're listening to?" Hobie tried again, giving up when he didn't get an answer.

She continued on walking until they finally reached the Daily Globe.

"Have a good day and bubye" Nia saluted them and left to find her dad and see how much longer he would be working.


Hobie and Gwen watched the girl leave until she disappeared behind the door.

"Are we sure she's the one Jess told us about?" Gwen consulted on her watch to make sure of it.

"I don know but she's one salty lady" Hobie said with his hands in his pockets.

"Come on we have to find somewhere to stay while we wait for her to slip up somehow" Gwen told Hobie.

"Hey I'm in charge in this mission. Remember they paired you with me cos it's your first one" he teased her as they walked off to find a hotel or something.


"So?" Venom came out of Nia's neck the moment they were hidden from others' views.

"They're quite doubting I mean, Eddie's death was very widespread since os many people knew of you and him so even if they were from outside the city, they were planning on working in the Daily Globe, where Eddie is still famous" Nia punched her chin in curiosity, not sure how to go from there.

"Well can we think of this later? I'm hungry and I can hear something happening several blocks away" Venom replied eagerly.

"Sure" Nia quickly dodged into an empty alley and there she let the sensation of them fully joining wash over her.


"Ugh Venom, did you have to unmask halfway through the chewing of that head?" Nia groaned in disgust as she climbed into her room.

The symbiote simply chuckled at her and promptly stayed inside her skin, now comfortable and full. Nia wasn't sure what she could do to pass the time before her dad got home since it was still 7 pm so he wouldn't get back until about 11pm.

To answer her questions, a knock on her bedroom window startle her almost making her call out Venom. There behind it were the boy from that morning, Hobart, and the girl, Gwanda.

"The fuck" Nia mouthed to herself.

She went to open it only to have both of them enter through into her room uninvited. Nia frowned uncomfortably as the male made himself comfortable on her bed as if they had always been friends and not strangers that had met that very same morning, and Gwanda just stood there, wringing her hands together.

"What is it and how did you know where I live?" Nia asked them, folding her arms over her chest.

"We...I..." the girl looked to his partner for help as she stumbled over her words to find the answer Nia was looking for.

The male grumbled something under his breath that Nia couldn't catch as he sat up, still on her bed mind you, and stared at her as if examining her.

"We're Spider people" he said shortly.

"I'm sorry what?" Nia quirked an eyebrow at the strange confession.

"Hobie! Not like that!" Gwen protested at her friend's straightforwardness.

"You guys, are Spider people? Tha fuck is a Spider people?" Mai asked, now far too curious to throw them out of her house.

Gwen sent Hobart a warning glare but the young man continued, eager to tell the girl they had been supposed to follow (cough cough stalk cough cough) and gain information from, but they had stupidly already entered her room and he had spouted the confession.

"And, hold on hold on. I thought your name was Hobart?"

"Where are your priorities" Venom chided her in her head.

"What? I wanted to know if it was actually possible for someone to name their kid Hobart non sarcastically" Nia said out loud.

"Who...are you talking to?" Gwen asked.

"Ah, first answer my questions and I'll answer yours" Nia said.

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