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"Well would you look at this" Jess stepped forward with a smile on her face "You really did end up coming along. And nice job rookie" Gwen smiled brightly at the compliment she got from her mentor.

"Alright enough pleasantries. Show me what you wanted to show me and why exactly I'm here" Nia sighed, lowering her hood down.

"Calm down there girl. I don't even know your name" Jessica said, her hand instinctively going down to her growing belly.

"I'm Nia, Nia Rivera" the girl said.

"And I, am Venom" a similar reaction to all others who met the black symbiote happened with Jess who jumped back nearly a foot when the black and dagger teeth creature appeared in the air besides Nia's head "Together, we are Weaver..."

"Ay stop being so dramatic" Nia pushed the symbiote's head away "Now show us to your boss"

Jess sighed seeing as she wouldn't be able to really make the girl open up so she complied, turning around and motioning for Nia to follow her. Hobie and Gwen followed behind her as well to see what would happen.

Nia trudged along with the older woman, turning in small circles as she looked around the room they had just entered which was filled with some sort of cages of orange energy with people locked up inside.

"Who are these people?" Nia asked Hobie and Gwen from the corner of her mouth.

"Anomalies that we've caught in other universes" Hobie told her.

"It's what I was...'hired' into the society for" Gwen said, raising her hands to quote the word "And what I suppose that you were brought in for"

"Huh" Nia said.

"Looook" Venom cooed "They're so little"

Nia turned her attention to one of the captured individuals seeing their similarities with her and Venom. The mask was removed momentarily revealing a man beneath it with a seething glare as he pounded on the wall of the barrier before being covered once more.

"They're like us, but weaker" Venom hissed out mockingly making the other symbiotic pair snarl at them while he smirked.

"Leave them alone Venom" Nia mumbled, giving Venom a small shove.

"Come on Nia" Gwen called out, holding the older girl's wrist in her hand while Hobie placed one hand on her lower back to push her along.

They kept walking, this time in a single file line as they tried to dodge the several broken down pieces of the dark hall they were going down.

"Why is this place so dark and dreary?" Nia asked Hobie who was right behind her.

The only response she got was a soft chuckle from Hobie as he reached forward across her to grab something from the wall she wasn't able to recognise. Hobie was reprimanded by Gwen when the bling younger girl threw her friend a glare from over Nia's shoulder.

"I don't think they have money to install light in here" the young man leaned forward to speak into Nia's ear, making her shiver.

"Stop" Venom told Nia in her head.

"Tell him that" Nia grumbled as she bent her head down to avoid a hanging web, pushing it away with the back of her hand.

"Miguel" she heard Jess call out from up front "She's here"

Gwen stepped to the side as they entered a very large room with little to no things in it. In the centre of the room, somehow hanging off of the roof, was a platform with a single man standing on it. He was facing their back to them and swiping through some sort of holographic screens, a little glowing figure on his shoulder.

The man turned his head once Jess spoke out letting Nia see his harsh features under the light of the machines. He looks Hispanic and he was built huge. His suit was dark blue and red, looking more menacing when she noticed the red tint in his eyes and the sharpness of his fangs, despite knowing her own teeth when fully transformed with Venom were sharper and longer, poked out when he frowned.

"Ah. Are you the anomaly Jessica told me about?" Miguel asked Nia as the platform began to lower, so very slowly.

"Oí! Miguel. Go easy on the kid" another voice came out as another spider person came down from the roof hanging upside down from a single spider web, her bright orange hair showing behind the mask they were wearing "And don't stress so much"

The bigger man looked up at the spider person not in anger, Nia saw, but in some sort of warm annoyance. Nia tapped her foot while she waited impatiently for the platform to fully lower. During that time the other spider person came more to light, letting them see the suit the individual was wearing.

It was a complete opposite to the one the man was wearing. It was a full body suit of a very bright electric blue with the sleeves on the arms and the legs being a darker color. The spider in the centre of her chest sat in a dark spider web. The color of the spider matched the color of the mask she was wearing which she took off.

Behind it was a pale skinned woman with freckles splashed across her cheeks and nose. Her eyes were a bright color that even Nia could see from the distance between them and her.

"Okay just go easy on her. I need to go, you coming Jessica?" the woman said as she patted the man on the shoulder.

Once the two older women were gone, Miguel's expression changed.

"Who are you first off?" Miguel asked her.

Nia looked at Gwen who nodded at her to proceed and introduce herself.

"I'm Nia Rivera" she to.d the man "And what do you mean I'm an 'anomaly'?"

"Just what I said" the man responde as the platform finally reached the floor and he stepped down from it, ambling over to them "You, Nia Rivera, are an anomaly. You were never supposed to be Venom"

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