He had almost felt how it would be to let her walk out on him today. She didn't look back at him for one last time while he kept staring at her.

He reached the mansion and dashed to his room, placing the discarded suit jacket and his laptop bag carelessly as he checked for her presence.

There was no one.

He changed into a pair of casuals and flocked downstairs, eyes fervently searching for her. It was past dinner time.

"Where is your wife, Anirudh?" He halted hearing his grandmother ask him, he turned towards her uncertainly, Gayatri Devi could be testing him for all he knew.

"She was supposed to be home hours back but the girl is nowhere near." His mother butted in, disapproval evident. "I shouldn't have waited for her to return and help me in preparations. I have only wasted time waiting for her."

"Do you have any idea where she is?" Gayatri Devi repeated her question.

He shook his head.

"Find her and bring her home." Her instructions were clear. "Come with her or don't."

He left the house and started driving, quickly calling the people to get her whereabouts.

"Get me her location." He ordered his people.

He brainstormed about her whereabouts, she had always been in office, home, or Orphanage.

They were in different parts of the city, which one was she in?

He weighed his options, checking the places on his way.

He greeted the caretaker and asked for the woman he married for the world.

"Dhwani mam left in the late afternoon, Sir." The middle-aged man informed him.

The next one was the same, she was out of the place before her day was over.

The last one was the farthest from their family home and near to the apartment they had shared for the past two years.

He decided to check the place after he had stopped at the Orphanage.

He parked the car in the driveway and stepped down, the lights flickered due to the heavy winds.

The caretaker was out, looking at him with a calm smile.

"Good evening, is Dhwani here?" He asked and earned a knowing smile from the woman who had past her sixties.

"Yes, she is in the office at the back."

She led him to the gate without a word as if expecting him to be here.

"She has been there for three hours now, and says she has things to do." The sister informed him "She ditched meal and won't let anyone cajole her into having it."

"She can be stubborn." He passed her an apologetic smile.

"I have known that for years. She can be anything she wants, mostly stubborn." The lady joked "I'll let you talk to her. Tell her to not exert her this much, take her home, and don't bother informing me. It is past everyone's bedtime here."

"Thank you." He nodded as she turned to walk.

"One more thing," She called for his attention "It projected to be a storm today night, take care."

The wind rattled the glasses and he sighed.

It was going to be a storm in the literal sense.

He twisted the knob and pushed the door open at the same time when the lights went off.

The Arrangement by ChauhanWhere stories live. Discover now