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In a certain city, while people were sleeping, various demons could be seen moving around. Their destination was a rather old and poorly maintained building. The most striking thing was the neon sign above the main entrance.

All these demons positioned themselves near the entrance, completely surrounding the place, as they were awaiting the return of a certain demon hunter.

But to their misfortune, that guy went to hell along with his brother, with no news of their return.

Fortunately, another figure was approaching the premises.

All the demons were alerted upon sensing the presence of the person approaching.

A young man of about 17 years old could be seen calmly walking towards his temporary home.

The striking feature of his appearance was his white hair. His clothes were completely worn out, as if he had traveled miles just to return, and had encountered several demons along the way.

Upon sensing his demonic energy, the demons thought they had found their prey, but they couldn't have been more wrong.

One of them, resembling a wild blue monkey with prominent fangs protruding from its snout, lunged at the boy.

Perhaps if it had chosen to attack him from behind, it would have fared better, but the boy swiftly caught hold of his face, instantly stopping him in his tracks.

"I'm tired. I've traveled over 300 kilometers and I also want to take down that guy, so I don't have time to play." Said the boy with a hint of annoyance, yet still sporting a wide smile on his face.

By increasing the strength of his grip, the demon met an instant death as its skull exploded.

Upon being discovered, all the demons revealed themselves, showing the boy that he was completely surrounded. One person versus various types of demons, a highly unfavorable fight for them.

"I didn't think they would throw a welcome party, and since they went through the trouble, it would be rude of me to leave without breaking the piñata." He said confidently and excitedly.

One demon, resembling a skeletal figure in a black robe wielding a scythe, was the first to advance.

His attack missed by inches as the boy moved his head.

"I just got a haircut recently, so I don't need any touch-ups." He remarked.

With that, he sent the demon flying with a spinning kick, crashing into another group of approaching demons.

Different types of demons launched their attacks, ranging from animal-like demons to those with somewhat human appearances.

But it didn't matter as the boy, using only his body, took care of them, displaying superhuman strength in the process.

"Come on, a party would be boring ..."

Before he could finish speaking, one of the bull-like demons charged at him, sending him flying at high speed towards a wall, resulting in his body crashing through it.

An attack that would be enough to kill a human, even the strongest ones would have died from the impact. However, from the debris, the figure of the boy emerged, walking as if nothing had happened.

"Now, it's my turn."

Demonstrating not only superior strength but also speed, the boy's figure swiftly moved in front of the demon, sending it flying with a single kick to the skull. The demon's body collided with others before vanishing, its skull shattered by the impact.

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