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Start from the beginning

Everyone just glared at the teacher.
Just about everyone in that class alone understood why Wilbur was late, why he couldn't do his homework.

Wilbur was a single father who could barely get a full night's rest, just managing B's at the most and C's at the least.
Just about anyone was ready to stand up to defend the poor man... but no one wanted to sell him out to the teacher.

Sure, Wilbur's parents knew already, and so did most of the class, but the teachers would make him feel terrible for it. Would make him feel like a jackass who got a girl knocked up and then had to take care of the kid all while in high school...

When that was far from what happened.
He didn't want to do any of it.

The teacher smacked him again and Wilbur tensed once more, "Go sit down," She pointed towards the back where Wilbur sat. He nodded and walked back to his desk, sitting down next to Quackity.
"Now. Page 354," She sat back down.

"Uhm... I thought it was 425?" Someone questioned, earning a glare from the teacher, "354."

Quackity looked at Wil and rested his hand on his, "You good?" He whispered, earning a soft smile from Wilbur, "Yeah... I'm fine..." He held his 'friends' hand and brought it up to his face to rest it on, "Thank you for caring..." He whispered, rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb.

"Of course~" He purred, smiling at Wilbur.
He stared at him and softly sighed, "You were smoking again... weren't you," He frowned as Quackity giggled, "Q... what would your da-"

"He doesn't care, he's too busy dealing with my mom," He furrowed his brows, glaring at the clock, "I thought they were divorced?"

"They are." He glared down at the table, "It's just that she wants to sue for full custody of me," He sighed, folding his wings in, "Even though my dad doesn't have a child abuse charge on him," He huffed, holding Wilbur's hand tighter.

"You know I love you Q... but you should stop smoking that crap- you're gonna get in trouble," Wilbur sighed, staring at him, "And that can't be good for you..."
"I mean, it calms me down... maybe you should try it sometime," He chuckled.

Wilbur shook his head and let go of Quackitys hand, "Why would it?" 
"Because it helps relax you, you'll have to try it with me during break," He winked as Wilbur just sighed, "I'll... I'll think about it-" He muttered.

"Thank you, baby~" He purred, making Wilbur blush, "Shut the fuck up-" He grunted, "Fine, fine," Quackity sighed, laughing.
"ALEXIS! WILIAM!" The teacher shouted, glaring at the back, "TURN TO PAGE 532!" She shouted.

"Ma'am. Do you know what page we're supposed to even be on?" Techno muttered, glaring at the teacher with furrowed brows. The teacher huffed and check the time, "Alright. Pop quiz," She went back to her desk as the class perked up in utter confusion.

Their teacher was all over the damn place, this was normal.
The teacher didn't hand out a pop quiz, she just sat there, along with the rest of the class who started talking.

Before long the bell rang and everyone got up to leave the classroom without a second thought. Four students grouped together and went into the bathrooms and into the biggest stall.

"This feels... so wrong-" Wilbur mumbled, leaning against the wall as Quackity lit the blunt and took a long puff.
"It's really only as wrong as you make it," Sapnap shrugged, taking the blunt from Quackity.

"You're smoking weed in the bathroom-" He crossed his arms and looked over everyone.
"So?" Dream shrugged, taking the blunt, "It's a stress relief."

Wilbur looked back at Quackity as he was handed the blunt, who just smiled at him, "Just take a puff," He shrugged.
"...Alright...-" He took a deep breath and took a puff, coughing a bit after, "You'll get used to it," Quackity reassured him, taking the blunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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