Chapter 11

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After the stars had their dreaded discussion they moved to the livingroom to 'hangout', well, technically they weren't 'hanging out' they were trying to figure out what to do to help Ink in the meantime, Ink however had stopped listening when they'd reached the conclusion not to go to scientists about this. Something about not wanting word to spread about Ink's situation. 

So at the moment Ink was lounging on his back, with his head propped up on the couch while he tried to move his tail. He'd figured that since he had this new appendage, that he might as well try and get the hang of how to use it.

He scrunched up his face as he tried to move his tail. It was so difficult! He couldn't understand, he should be able to move it, at least slightly! He's moved it subconsciously before after all. 

Ink sighed in disappointed exasperation. He hated this, he hated that this was happening to his body, but what he hated more was the fact that his friends were so scared for him. He hates seeing them this upset, he hates how they look at him with poorly masked pity and worry, he'd rather be having fun with them then causing them so much stress. They didn't have time to stress about him! Error and Nightmares gang are still out there reeking havoc and causing chaos, all he's doing is adding to that stress. How selfish of him... no, how selfish of whatever's happening to him, whether it be the cause of a person or something soul related, he'd never willingly create this much stress and worry for his friends. He shouldn't blame himself.

Ink shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He needs something to distract him. What was he doing before he zoned out? He glanced over to the two still talking skeletons, only remembering what they were talking about when they brought up the idea of asking Sci to stay over at Ink's house so he can keep an eye socket on him. Ink quietly sighed at the idea, he didn't want to worry anyone else, besides; the science community was notoriously known for being gossipy. Turning his attention to his tail he decided to try and consciously move it, after all he had this new appendage, he might as well try and get the hang of how to use it. So Ink returned to trying to move his tail -without realizing that he's tried dozens of times now and every time has been using the same reasoning-.

In the midst of his concentration Ink's skull suddenly started to feel foggy and lightly throb, then all at once his vision turned black.

Not even one second later his vision returned. Did he blackout for a second there? Then why was his tail now hanging in the air above his body with his legs and arms in the air? Why was he on the floor now? 

"Ink? You there?" A tentative voice said pulling him from his thoughts. Ink sat up and looked behind him to find Dream half standing and sitting on the couch, with Blue standing beside him, they both looked at Ink in concern. Ink, seeing their worried looks and realizing his current predicament, started to feel a sickening knot growing in his nonexistent stomach as he connected the dots and realized; he blacked out and now he's in a very, very different position and spot with no memory of doing so. He responded with a nod, slightly shaken by the feeling of unease. "Good, do you feel okay? Dream said with a relieved sigh.

"Yeah, just a little on edge." Ink said taking a deep breath trying to ease his nerves. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Blue asked now sitting beside him rubbing his back comfortingly.

Ink again responded with a nod.

"Well, we were talking about what to do, then we heard the sound of bones rattling and then we saw you doing something, well," Dream paused trying to find the correct words, "weird to put it simply." Dream said carefully.

"You were hitting your tail while on your back, kind of how a cat would, and you weren't responding to us. It was like you were-"Blue breathed a shaky sigh, with tears filling his sockets, "-like you weren't conscious in your own body." Blue said worriedly.

Dream sighed quietly, joining them on the floor and hugged Blue to comfort him. "I wouldn't go as far to say that, but unlike usual, I felt a presence in you." 

A presence? That shouldn't be possible. Ink didn't have a physical soul to even sense emotions from, much less his presence. Did something really render Ink unconscious, and take over his body like Blue suggested?

"That doesn't explain why I'm on the floor though." Ink said trying not to think about that disturbing idea.

"Ah, that, while you were acting strange you ended up falling off of the couch, but despite that you continued batting at your tail," Dream gave a small laugh before continuing, "Your eyelights were blown up so large that it indeed did remind me of some cats, like Blue mentioned."

Ink slightly flushed at the image of him doing something like that, and curled into a ball while pulling at his scarf. Whether he was in control or not it was still quite embarrassing to even imagine. 

Blue gave a wet teary laugh thanks to Ink's reaction. "No need to be bashful Ink." Blue commented reaching out to bring him into a hug, which Ink reluctantly accepted.
Ink sat on the cluttered metal table as Dream and Blue talked to Sci and explained the situation. Ink's tail tapped loudly on the metal surface as he waited. It seems that after what ever had happened to him his tail was a lot more subconsciously active, where as before it would occasionally move according to his emotional state, it now swished and moved on it's own almost all the time. His tail's new movements have already knocked some things off of the table. Every time it happened the three skeletons would look over to him concerned, while he gives a sheepish smile, while pining the culprit it to the table in hopes to stop it, and it does, for a minute, then starts moving again and knocking things over. In Ink's defense though, he did offer to get off the table, but Sci silenced him and told him it was fine and then said something about wanting to see how much dexterity it had. 

After a while the three skeletons approached where Ink was sat and watched as some of the clutter on the table was knocked onto the now cluttered floor.

"Sorry it's got a mind of its own." Ink said meekly.

"S'all right, like I said I want to see its range of movement." Sci reassures, "Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'll have to ask you two to leave so I can properly examine Ink." Sci requested. Dream and Blue nodded then told Ink that they'd be waiting outside. 

When the two skeletons left Sci had Ink get off of the table and go into a room attached to the one they were in to change into a low rising pair of pants so Ink's long tailbone/tail could be seen and so he wouldn't be uncomfortably nude. Thankfully skeletons like Ink don't have the exact skeleton structure of humans, so this was a viable option that was comfortable for both skeletons.

When Ink walked out of the room he sat on the now clutter free table, -that now has tape on it in the shape of what his tail had knocked off the table, to study later Ink assumed- Sic inspected his tail, measuring how long it was, feeling the spaces between his tails individual bones, moving it in different directions furthering his data on how much dexterity it had, then studying the bones to see if they were formed irregularly. After Sci's initial checkup he got the story from Ink's point of view, CHECKED Ink to see if there was a change in his STATS, took a marrow sample, and painlessly chipped off a small piece of bone from Ink's tail to examine further later.

After Sci was done examining Ink's tail he told him to change and allowed Dream and Blue in.

"Well I'd like to say that the bone on Ink's tail is properly formed and seems perfectly healthy, and his STATS are completely fine. I also took some marrow and a bit of bone from his tail bone to inspect for clues later. "Sci concluded professionally.

"Thank you for helping us on such short notice Sci. Your a life saver." Dream said graciously. "Is there anything we can do for Ink in the meantime?"

"It's no problem Dream, I'm just glad Ink doesn't seem like he'll dust on us. However, I don't know enough to recommend anythin' yet but I'll update you if I find anythin'." Sci answered with a smile.

"Well we should probably get going, thanks again Sci I'll rest better now that I know he isn't going to dust." Blue said cheerfully.

"Really, guys s'no problem." Sci reassured. The stars waved goodbye to the friendly scientist and opened a portal back to Ink's house now with renewed hope.

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