Chapter 2

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Ink weakly grabbed his phone from it's charging port on the night stand next to his bed. His entire body felt sore and hurt, even flexing his phalanges was met with pain, but none the less, he called.

"Hello?" Dream said sounding tired.

"Hey dream, sorry to wake you up, I need some help." Ink said pain evident in his voice.

"What did you do this time? Never mind, tell me when I get there." Dream sighed disappointed and hung up. He sighed carefully laying back down, thankful for the comfortable mattress. 

Should he try and get breakfast? He thought weighing his options of either staying in his bed, or getting a coffee. Then almost as if on cue his non-existent stomach grumbled. 

"Fuck, I don't have a choice now." Ink said groaning with a small breathy chuckle, before groaning and sinking deeper into the mattress.
Dream walked to Inks door and knocked, only to be met with a muffled, "It's open."

"This better be important Ink, I'm so tired." Dream said as he opened the door, to his best friend leaning heavily on the door frame to his bedroom for support.

"Ink! If it's that hard to even stand then get to bed!" Dream said lecturing him.

"I know," he paused with a sighed, "but I'm hungry?" Ink said meekly with a goofy cautious smile. Dream stared blankly at him, trying to process what Ink had said.

"You know... some times I wonder how you aren't dead with how careless you can be some times." Dream said unimpressed.

"Yeah but if I were as careful as you and Blue then I'd be sitting in bed starving." Dream sighed and helped Ink back to bed, with Ink groaning in pain the entirety of the short trip.

"Gosh Ink what did you do?" Dream said helping Ink carefully lay down.

"I actually don't remember." Ink stated while shifting carefully to comfortably lay in his bed.

"Figures, your reckless and forgetful." Dream said with a sigh. "How do you feel?"

"Very, very sore." Ink said, he has been sore before but, this is worse, he can't move without feeling mass amounts of pain.

"Well that can't be all, but I'll take care of you for today, my healing magic won't help with your aches." Dream said sitting on the side of the bed.

"Thanks Dream I owe you one."

"Oh you owe me a lot more than one Ink, I don't know how many times I've had to help you when you do something stupid." Dream said grumpy that he had to help his reckless friend yet again.

"Oh come on Dream you know you love me." Ink said with a grin. 

"I do Ink, sorry, I'm not myself without coffee, do you want anything?" Dream said, standing up.

"Yeah, a coffee thanks. It's in the cabinet by the fridge."

Dragon!?||ErrorInk||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें