Chapter 28(Final chapter)

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*moments later*

Megatron goes after starscream, chasing him to kill him, he was done with starscream now. He wouldn't let starscream get in his way anymore.

Starscream was fighting against some Insecticons.

Megatron got to starscream and he tackles him to the ground, starscream grunts as he tries to push megatron away but it was hopeless. Megatron grabs starscream and he tossed him to the wall.

Starscream yelps in pain as he hits the ground, he tries to stand up but he sees himself getting punched by megatron. Starscream managed to get some strength, he looks up at the sky but it was red, blood as rain, and everything was disgusting. Starscream sees a big shadow as he realized it was the beast in the sky, flying as it was making chaos on cybertron. Starscream didn't wanted to cry as he realized he had to kill his daughter as it was combined to the star destroyer beast.

Megatron laughs in his evil tone: "isn't this exciting? I enjoy that look of pain in your face!"

Starscream optics were in rage, he was furious, after all that happened to him, he needed to put an end to Megan and help everyone in cybertron, especially the autobots as they helped him in the begging of his misery.

Starscream speaks to megatron in anger: "Shut up! I'll stop you! I will do anything in my power to stop you for causing pain!"

Megatron rolled his optics and mocks starscream, Which starscream gets embarrassed a little but gets his focus back.

Starscream: "i will never make the same mistake again! You have hurt my friends! You destroyed my life! My hope! Everything!"

Starscream prepares himself to fight megatron.

Megatron smirks at him and also prepared himself to fight starscream. Megatron and starscream attack each other with all their might and power

*Skyblade speaks*

"And then starscream slash at megatron with his massive speed, causing megatron to get off guard. Optimus and Soundwave team up and they fought megatron with starscream, megatron was helpless. He didn't have the strength to fight Optimus, Soundwave and starscream, they were all using their strength together to stop megatron and his evil plan. In the other side, shockwave and airachnid were stoped by the autobots and those decepticons who decided to help and bring peace as well. Airachnid was destroyed by arcee, which she finally got her revenge on tailgate. Shockwave was...uh... He.... He was also stoped of course, he is in prison right now. Megatron is also in prison but he will have a death penalty for killing our kind and our planet only for his hunger of power and control."

Before skyblade could say anything else, one of the kids said something.

Kid 1: "What happened to nightflame?"

The other kids also wonder what happened to her and they look at skyblade for an answer.

Skyblade speaks again to the kid:"Well... My sister couldn't be safe... She was already combined with the beast, once we put the beast down she went down with it too... but after all that everything went back to normal, cybertron is a better place and beautiful too, this is our new future, our new life and peace.

*3 days later*

Starscream was in his house now, Just cleaning his room.

Soundwave comes in and gives starscream a gift for Valentine's Day. Starscream blushes as he sees Soundwave walking in. Starscream grabs the gift and kiss Soundwave in his cheek, Soundwave blush a little and wanted to invite starscream on a date, which starscream accepted his offer.

Soundwave and starscream hugs each other, they were completely in love and wanted to be with each other for ever, starscream did felt bad for the death of Steve the drone. Starscream smiles at Soundwave and kisses him as Soundwave happily kisses him back.

Skyblade smile as he watches them being happy again, skyblade walks away and opens the door as he leaves the house, he looks up in the sky and smiles at the stars with a big smile as he knows, cybertron was safe and his friends.

(This is the end of the chapter! I just hope you all enjoyed it very much! Also if you are confused about "skyblade speaking" is that skyblade is explaining the story about everything that happened on cybertron and about his sister to some kids in the hospital, telling them the story of how everything happened and how the war turned into something more twisted of megatron's plan with starscream. Also that is the future, I don't know how to explain it on text i guess but I hope you understand that, after the battle of megatron with starscream, megatron loses and everything goes back again to be in peace, and skyblade shares the story with some kids that are in the hospital. Skyblade became a doctor too so yeah lol)
(I do hope you guys enjoyed it though, and yeah, skyblade is the one telling the story,*think about as cyber verse when the Autobot was talking about starscream betraying them in the episode of starscream saying "guilty" as he was a judge... bye-bye and thank you all so much I guess lol:D)

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