Chapter 13(Missing Part 2)

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"HOW COULD YOU HAVE LOST HER!? OH PRIMUS!" Starscream was not having it with megatron, "Why was I such a fool to trust you! I should have been with her!"

"Excuse me!? If you were with her i think she should have disappear too!" He yelled at him, putting crossing his arms to his chest.


"D-did you just slap me starscream?"

Starscream didn't move or say anything, he look down tears running down on his face. All he wanted to do is look for her instead of fighting megatron, ".... Primus... Megatron.. I-i didn't mean to slap you... Im just scared of what could be happening to my precious nightflame... I don't want her to be hurt... Please.."

"Is okay, i am not mad that you slap me but don't worry i am going to find her. I will call optimus for help, you call the others." Megatron whisper, hugging starscream.


Everyone was call, and starscream told them everything that happen. Optimus decided that it would be best that there should be a group of 2 to find nightflame. They all agree with optimus prime plan, they all headed their own ways to find starscream daughter. Optimus told starscream to go with him for the search.

"Ugh... We have been looking for her and nothing.... There is nothing!..." Starscream broke down on tears falling to his knees.

"Starscream please relax, i know you are stress about your child being missing but the way you are acting isn't going to help at all." Optimus said putting a servo on starscream back.

"I know... But i just don't know it megatron had anything to do with it..." Starscream completely hug himself scared, optimus now felt that megatron had something to do with it now since starscream mentioned his name, he though of checking megatron on his plans.


It was getting late and everyone couldn't find anything, they all felt bad about starscream.  They all wanted to continue and help him more but optimus had said that we are going to continue for the next day.
Optimus knew there was something off about megatron, he was going to check on that.


"Please carrier i know is hard for you, just as is for me but we gotta be strong." Skyblade told starscream with a smile hoping that it could make starscream a little better.

"I- thanks... But i been through a lot when the war was still going on, i just can't lose nightflame like this. She is still a sparkling." Tears were running down, keeping his head down.

"Listen, we are going to find her and we are going to bring her back safe." Skyblade said hugging starscream tight, which made starscream show a happy warm smile.

(End of chapter 13 (missing part 2)
(To be continue)

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