Chapter 04: Don't Stay Too Late

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"Neeraj, I need you to shift Meera closer to my cabin", I told Neeraj as soon as I saw Anaya and Vedika giggling.

"Why?" Neeraj raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be collaborating with her more often than others, I suppose it would be easier for both of us", I tried to reason.

"Alright, that makes sense", he agreed.

Neeraj walked back towards Meera.

"Meera don't unpack", he said in haste and then walked in Anaya's direction.

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling. I wanted to talk to her. I don't know why but I did. I almost glanced at her.

She awkwardly looked up and then back down a couple of times. Maybe she wanted to say something.

Neeraj came back and asked Meera to follow him.

I grabbed her box before she could and started walking.

She kept up. Anaya and Vedika stared, unable to hide their surprise.

"Thank you Sir", she said half surprised, half embarrassed as I settled the box on her desk.

"Please see me in my cabin once you're done here", I said and walked into my cabin.


I was working on the basic outline of the project when I heard a knock.

"Can I come in?", Meera peeked in.

"Yes, Please take a seat", I said looking up from my desktop.

Meera confidently walked in and settled on the chair in front of me.

"You wanted to speak to me", She curiously stated.

"Yes, but before that would you like anything? Anything from the canteen?", I asked.

"Ummm", she gave it a thought. Her small nose scrunch made my heart skip a beat. What is happening brain?

"I would like some lemon soda", she made a decision.

"Okay", I replied as I dialled the canteen on the phone.

"Hello, please send a lemon soda and a latte to the 12th-floor office, room 4. Thank you so much", I placed the order and set down the receiver.

"Thank you", she smiled at me, her dimples showed a little.

"No worries. So I wanted to discuss our basic plan for the next 6 months. I'll need you to accompany me to various meetings. Both in the office and outside. I believe you will be able to represent our company efficiently. Someone from the finance department may or may not join depending on the type of meeting."

We discussed a few other plans when the conversation was interrupted by someone.

I received the tray and kept Meera's drink in front of her.

"Thanks", she said.

I took a sip of my latte, the sweetness coating my mouth. Should I tell her about Loki? I thought to myself.

"And the last thing Meera, things get hectic during financial year end and at quarterly intervals so don't stay too late" The last sentence slipped my tongue because I could process it.

Meera tilted her head to the left as she tried to figure out my words, "Sure".

"Okay then, we're done with the meeting. Thank you for stopping by", I said smiling at her.

"Sure thank you", she said and walked out of the cabin.


One Week later..............


"I haven't seen you in sooooo long Meera", Rajani said throwing her arms around me.

"I am so sorry the new project has been keeping me busy. Tell me all about your date with Doctor.", I said sitting in front of her.

"I thought you'd never ask", she said dramatically.

"So, We met in a cafe near his hospital. He's a cardiologist. And his parents are so nice. Also, he's so chivalrous, the whole chair and door. His expectations from life match mine. And he held my hand whilst walking" She giggled and then she got silent for a minute, "Meera I think I like him".

"It's been a week and you've already spoken to his parents?", I asked curiously.

"Yes. They came here to meet me. They are amazing Meera.", She said with enthusiasm.

"Are you sure?", I asked out of concern.

"I don't get butterflies but he makes me calm. I know it's only been 2 weeks since I met him. But the other day I was panicking over my succulent dying, but he calmed me down effortlessly. And he actually listens to me. He's not bothered about the solution. And my parents approve of him. So, YES I am sure", She completed with a happy sigh.

"I am so happy for you, Rajani", I shrieked and did a mini dance.

"We'll be meeting for the final discussion about engagement and marriage next week, we are planning a December wedding"

"That's great. I am so excited."


Two weeks later................


"Meera, We have a meeting at 11:00 today"

"Meera, please make sure the report is ready by tomorrow's EOD"

"Meera, Meeting and Intern training today"

"Meera, we have to go to Bombay for an important meeting tomorrow"

"Meera, why aren't you picking up?", Rajani said marching towards my cubical.

"I just have a few things going on", I sighed.

"I hope you feel a bit more organised. Let me know if I could help. Also, December 21. We fixed a date. I'll give you the card soon", Rajani said excitedly.

"Oh my God, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're getting married", I exclaimed.

"That happened with me too. By the way, I didn't want to say this but you look half dead", She said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, Nalini ma'am and Ved sir are running multiple things through me at once. But it's okay. It will settle down in a week", I optimistically.

I saw Ved sir walking down the hallway.

I finish my lunch with Rajani and get back to work.


"Meeru, Is the workload too much? It's like I don't see you around a lot. Take some time off for your Birthday, Baccha", Aai said while applying oil to my scalp.

"It's okay, Aai. I'll have a slow week soon. Don't worry. Do you need any help with preparing for Anvi Tai's parents when they come over?" I asked.

"No no, you just take care of yourself. Okay? Sleep now don't keep on scrolling", she said picking up the oil bowl.

"Good night mumma", I said hugging her tightly.

"Good night Meera", she said kissing my forehead.

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