XXVIII. Hello, End

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TW: death, injuries

The pegasus slowed as it neared the hermits. Tango and Gem watched, eyes wide, while Doc merely glanced at the events before returning to Impulse. The brunette was still unconscious, no life in his body save for the hardly noticeable rise and fall of his chest.

Xisuma brought his leg over the pegasus' back, holding Pearl gently in his arms as he slid down its flank. He laid her on the endstone bricks, mournfully smoothing back her hair. He tentatively reached for magic, but was stopped by a cyan streak interrupting him. It looped and spiraled depressedly, coming to stop before his face.

"She passed on. I saw her for a moment. She was too drained. I am sorry, brother. I have failed you," Zeroc's voice whispered from the light, surprisingly in English, and shaking from effort and grief. "I was afraid of reaching out to her beforehand. I was afraid of my guilt at leaving her behind."

Xisuma nodded, drawing in a shaky breath. Her blood covered his chest from where he had clutched her to his chest, praying he could revive her with the right spell. He knew none, but both Kalypse and Valyn would have been able to assist. They were masters of healing, setting right magical and physical wounds respectively.

"I am also at fault, brother. I neglected to tell her of meditation and the small presence you had," Xisuma said, voice disproportionately loud against the silence occupying the end. "I do not know if it would have worked. She refused to go to spawn, knowing it was the last place she saw you. I was too wrapped up in myself to reach out and suffer with her, knowing she felt as alone as I did."

Zeroc came to rest on his shoulder, flooding him with sorrowful peace, attempting to comfort him. "Whatever choices she made are hers. I am proud of her, my adopted daughter. She fought bravely, fulfilling herself with her decisions. I would like to believe she was content with herself, and she understood that fate did not satisfy every desire. She is strong for that, and I am immensely proud." His light flickered and disappeared, the subtle presence Xisuma felt vanishing as he continued to the next life.

Footsteps approached them on the bridge, first one set, then four, then the army of Watchers crowded around them, watching the serenely sleeping girl before them, at rest in death. They made no movement as Xisuma beckoned to the hermits, asking them to cluster around him, fearfully waiting for their attack.

Jyren stepped forward, leading the council forward. He took off the mask, the council following his actions, repeated by the army surrounding the small group. He knelt before Xisuma and the hermits, bowing his head. Clothing shifted loudly as the Watchers followed suit. He furrowed his brow as he used magic to translate his words to English.

"We are grateful to you, Xylia. You released us, and for that, we are eternally grateful."

Nia stepped up next. "I am the first to owe an apology. I crafted the weapons we used to spread aggression and discord throughout the universe. Had we chosen peace from the beginning, this grief may not have afflicted us so prematurely."

"I regret the alterations I made to your server. I followed intrusive thoughts fueled by convoluted words," Scerx admitted smoothly, his voice soft. "I have no appropriate excuses for my actions, and I would take any chance given to right myself through leading our people in virtue."

Morpheus hummed, glancing at the shyer council members behind them: Kalypse and Valyn. "We were concerned with the survival of our race, hence Xalyn's ability to sway us into their plans. We apologize for our inability to look further than our hearts and people."

"I am the most at fault. I helped Xalyn learn to play their mind games as they rose in power," Jyren stated. "We are sorry for your losses and wish to make amends. If you wish to join us in leading the Watchers to right centuries of misconduct, you are welcome. I know Xelqua is with you. If you are willing, then join us, please. We need your support."

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