IV. An Update

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TW: fighting, blood, talk of death

Pearl followed the Evolutionists through the End portal, the nauseating tipping familiar after her recent experience. Especially with the update portal. It had felt as if her entire being was being put back together and added to as the Magic swelled. She landed on the obsidian platform a short distance from the dragon's island, disrupting the enderman and causing it to teleport away. Apprehension grew as she realized she was trapped. None of the other Evolutionists were present with her. It was impossible they had chickened out; she had witnessed their simultaneous jump into the void-like portal.

Hastily, she shook off the uncertainty and bridged to the island. Every player had a connection to the Magic; it kept them alive. As a result, the Magic allowed them to shrink perfectly square blocks small enough to carry, and restore them in a new location of their choosing. Without Magic, all servers and worlds would crumble into oblivion.

She nocked and released several arrows with barely a thought, taking out the easiest crystals with the projectiles. Two crystals remained, encased in a protective iron barring. She scaled the sheer obsidian, placed a buffer between herself and the explosive, and detonated it. It launched her into the air away from the tower and into the flight path of the dragon as it swooped down on her.

She twisted midair, landing on the dragon with her shield, which absorbed its momentum. She tumbled down its scaly side as it veered away to attack again. She landed on the rough endstone, frantically absorbing her fall with her water bucket and rolling away from the remaining impact. The water went back in her bucket and her communicator showed full health statistics. The only sign of her harrowing experience was her pounding heart and scratched hands. She glared grimly at the remaining crystal, repeating her previous actions and nearly spilling her life onto the ground.

With the crystals dealt with, Pearl could focus on the dragon. Its black hide matched the vacuum of space, making it nearly impossible to discern as it dive bombed her. The flames it spewed from its maw were pale lavender. They licked across the ground, a combination of the dragon's own magic and the atmosphere's, the only thing keeping oxygen near enough for Pearl to move and fight.

An angry roar sounded as the dragon landed behind her, sending tremors through the ground. It spread its wings to intimidate her, stretching to its full size and rearing. It returned to the floating island with a thud, snaking forward and snapping its teeth. Pearl dove underneath it, avoiding getting trampled by the breadth of a hair. She dragged her diamond sword through its underside, cutting a jagged, uneven gash through the thick under scales. It roared, pulling away before she could finish her stroke. It kicked violently, sending her tumbling toward the edge of the island.

Pearl's eyes grew wide with fear as she reached the precipice to the void. She drove her sword into the ground, closing her eyes and praying it would hold. Finally, she came to a stop clutching the sword and hanging off the island. With a grunt, she pulled herself back on level ground as the dragon took to the air again, frustrated that its attempts to obliterate her were thwarted. It tucked its wings close and plummeted toward her in an attempt to knock her into the abyss.

Pearl sidestepped, grabbing its horn as it passed. She was swept into the air with it, hanging on for dear life as she comprehended the severe effects of her decision. She swung onto its neck, clutching with both hands as it looped and bucked trying to shake her off. The spines running down its neck dug into her body, leaving cuts and bruises at every twist and turn. She brandished her sword, driving it back over the island and toward the ground. As it neared the endstone, she leapt, using her sword to leave a bloodied trail as she dropped to the relative safety of the island.

She stumbled on impact with the ground, twisting her ankle. Her mouth filled with the iron tang of blood as she bit her tongue, cursing her ill luck as she rubbed feeling back into her foot. Sweat dripped down her forehead, stinging as it touched her eyes. She wiped it away with her free hand, scouting the air for the dragon. It landed on her from above, trapping her beneath its talons. It raised its head, roaring and sending a blast of hot air and spittle from its maw. She lifted her sword, slicing its forearm and kicking upward, catching the wound in its stomach. It leapt off her in favor of self-preservation, prowling around her in a vengeful circle.

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