VII. Trials Begin

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TW: death, mentions of trauma

The Head Watcher stumbled and fell to their knees, hand clutched over the spreading burn on their chest. Silver continued to crackle around Pearl, although less violently from her outburst. Every square centimeter felt like lead, the magic she had used completely depleting her energy. Grian put his hand on her shoulder, following a silent order from Yevir. A few Watchers joined them, however, their numbers were greatly reduced. From the grief-stricken expression on Grian's face, no more than a quarter of the Order had survived.

A Watcher rushed forward and steadied their leader. Judging by the pair of stripes on the left shoulder of their uniform, Pearl guessed they were the second in command. The world seemed to slow as the Head Watcher's magic bled out of them as a result of Pearl's spell. Grian leaned forward and whispered in her ear:

"I didn't know you knew the Words."

Pearl panicked, wrath forgotten as she watched the once-powerful being fall lifelessly to the ground. Immediately, she felt recharged as the remaining energy flowed into her body. Nausea welled inside her, and she vomited, the guilt spreading from her heart throughout her body. Every cell felt heavier than lead as she sat in an icy, sorrowful puddle on the ground. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face in them, ignoring the grime that saturated her jeans.

She had permanently killed someone. With magic. Magic she had never known about. Green light seeped from the ground, a final bid goodbye from the Listeners. A tendril coiled around her wrist, sending a single beam into her mind. Suddenly, a collection of memories burst into her mind. Flashing images of burning houses, fallen bodies, and bloodstained graffiti. Her small, childlike feet pattered on the ground as she bolted from the destruction. A burst of forest green, followed immediately by an intense violet.

She barely felt Yevir's hand on her shoulder. "Scit?" ([Does] she know?)

The lieutenant shook their head. "Illud modus tenes," they ordered, extending their hand and cocooning their leader in magic. "Nunc ne te occido," they added, the force of their glare boring into Pearl as she burrowed deeper into her hands. (Keep it that way ... I won't kill you now.)

"Teneo," Yevir replied. He helped her to her feet and performed the spell that allowed him to hear English. "I will not let them hurt you. Dominux would never allow it. Xalyn, on the other hand, will be difficult." Pearl trembled, the events unbearable in her mind. Yevir made eye contact. "Zeroc, Xelqua, and I shall protect you. You have my word." (I keep.)

Pearl nodded slowly. The azure pegasus tossed its mane, galloping from the skies and landing before them. "Patira ibo, Xalyn," Yevir stated, setting her on its luminant back, mounting behind her, and opening a portal. "Ne commoves." (I go to our homeland, Xalyn. [You] do not worry.)

They fell through the portal, Grian close behind. He had replaced his mask over his eyes the moment the remaining Watchers arrived. Stars rushed by, the light they emitted stretching as the Watchers pushed themselves faster. Blood rushed in Pearl's head, the speed unbearable. It pressed against her skull, pounding into a migraine. Soon, everything faded into black.

When she came to, she was alone. The room was simple, with yellow endstone bricks forming the walls, and smooth purpur tiles covering the floor. A carpet covered the slab she was laying on as a substitute for a bed. A window overlooked a courtyard, complete with a fountain and sparse flowers in an attempt to liven the area. Hesitantly, she tried the door, which appeared to be made out of obsidian. Unsurprisingly, it was locked. She resettled on the bed, burying her toes into the rug.

The handle turned, and Zeroc entered, magic jumping off them in sparks. They forced themself to breathe as the door closed and locked. Slowly, the teal bursts died out as they sat on the opposite end of the bed uninvited. Pearl hissed quietly, moving away from them and pressing against the wall. Zeroc stood abruptly, backing away toward the door.

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