V. A New Normal

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It was strange to settle thousands of blocks away. However, it was much better than staying at their old home. Too many things sparked painful memories. Too many buildings reminded them of what had been lost. Pearl had gone back to retrieve the dragon egg only to discover its absence, which she attributed to the Watchers. Yevir had appeared friendly, but their consequent actions and prompt disappearance – simultaneously abducting their friend – were far too suspicious for Pearl to allow their paradox to rest.

Pearl looked over the small town, an indescribable feeling in her chest. For an unknown reason, she was afraid. She felt weak and powerless against these new creatures in her life. Previously, any hostile mob she came across would meet its end swiftly and decisively, without any thought. With the Watchers she had no inkling of how to deal with the threat they posed, or even how much of a threat they were.

The lack of information itself was a hazard. The other Evolutionists knew no more than she, although Martyn and Jimmy had alluded to another species known as the Listeners. Those beings were the sole reason they were able to bring as much as they did to their new location, although every player remained skeptical of their new-found friends. How could they trust something perpetually invisible to them? The Listeners had never shown themselves, nor had they interacted with the world more than a few carefully placed optimistic signs and strategic chests.

Whoever they were, Pearl didn't trust them. Even Martyn and Jimmy – the only others aware of the second species (the others had refrained from asking more questions. Pearl, with her curiosity, had continued pestering Martyn until he told her the little he knew) – were dumbfounded and wary of the new presence that could be clearly felt throughout the world.

Pearl sighed, sliding down the roof. She crossed town to where Martyn stood guard, having sent everyone else to bed. They had taken to sleeping in shifts as the Watchers' presence prevented them from skipping the night together. Martyn turned at the sound of her footsteps, acknowledging her presence and returning to his taciturn vigil. Because of their shared insomnia, they were often on watch together. Neither minded the company, although the night always passed in undisturbed silence save for the gory deaths of several mobs.

"Dawn is early," Martyn whispered, pointing to the distance. A light seemed to be growing there, starting at the size of an egg and expanding.

"That's not the east, Martyn," Pearl objected, drawing her sword. It surged forward, blooming into an azure portal large enough for a player to squeeze through. Pearl's grip on her sword tightened. Fabric rustled as Martyn unshouldered his bow and brought it into a full draw.

The portal grew, over twenty meters wide and ten tall. Its edges are rough and asymmetrical, beautiful in a magical, organic way. The pieces fall together in Pearl's mind as Yevir steps through, closely followed by their pegasus. It whinnied and stamped its feet, ruffling their hair with its snout.

Martyn loosed an arrow at the bell at the center of the village, jarring it into sending its peals throughout the town. The Evolutionists stumbled out of their houses, jolted aggressively from their sleep. Yevir held up their hands as a gesture of peace, blue magic swirling in graceful lines as they muttered a spell. The glow faded, retracting back to the portal as it remained. Where it led, Pearl had no idea. She supposed it served as a gateway to the Watcher's realm, but it easily could lead to the depths of a lava lake only the Watchers could survive.

"Peace, Evolutionists. It is nice to hear you again." Yevir chuckled at the confusion that swept through the group. "Yes, we are deaf to everything but Galactic, and Galactic is audible only because it is the language of Magic. But I tarry. A great danger is present and grows every closer. We know you have had contact with them, and their influence must be purged."

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