01. Dinner Date

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This is just a short introduction chapter, I think it's the shortest of them all. Thank you for reading <3 And it does get a bit better, I promise. 

Samantha looked at the door for the third time. It had been half an hour, and Jack's father still hadn't picked him up from his playdate. 
"Why isn't he coming, Miss Samantha?" Her heart broke when she saw the upset Jack. 
"Well, your dad and I had a chat, and we decided to turn this playdate into a dinner date," she lied with a smile. The boy grinned and she sighed relieved. "Now, who's up for some pizza?" Her nephew, Nathan, and Jack cheered.

Samantha checked her phone while the boys were eating. It was eight P.M. but Daddy Hotchner was nowhere to be seen. She giggled at her own Daddy thought. She didn't even know what he looked like. It was strange how she'd never met her nephew's best friend's father. 

She found his number in the class' parent chat group and stared at his profile. No profile picture, no bio, nothing. Just A. Hotchner.

[You:] Hi there, I'm Samantha, Nathan's aunt. We were wondering where you are

To her surprise, he started typing.

[A. Hotchner:]  Sorry, I was busy with work. My apologies for bothering you and Nathan.

Samantha frowned at the message. That's all? An apology for the inconvenience? 

[You:] I don't mind, don't worry about that. But Jack did.

She bit her lip, and for a second she felt a bit like a Karen. Samantha's eyes fell on the two boys who had fallen asleep. They were both curled up in the corner of the couch, their face covered in pizza stains. Her phone pinged.

[A. Hotchner:] Yes I get that, no need to point that out. I'm on my way, okay? 

Samantha sighed at the irritated man. 

[You:] It's illegal to text and drive. 

She got left on read. Oh well, whatever.

"Aunt Sam?" She looked up at Jack, who smiled way too innocently. "Hmm?"
"We found a bottle of beer. Look, Nathan's trying to open it." Her jaw dropped. "What? No!" Samantha tried to pull the bottle out of her nephew's hands, all while wondering how he opened that bottle. "No dessert unless you let go," she threatened. Nathan let go immediately, but not before finally taking off the lid and spilling the drink all over Samantha's white shirt.

"Oh fuck," she blurted. She shot Nathan one last glare before running upstairs to change her shirt. 
When she came downstairs Samantha was greeted with a beer smell. Jack was gone, and she never even saw the dad. She looked at the empty bottle on the floor and suddenly felt the need to explain herself.

[you:] I know what you're thinking, but it wasn't me.

[you:] It was Nate.

[A. Hotchner:] Is that supposed to make it better?

[you:] Nathan found the bottle, I tried to take it from him and the beer fell over me. 

[A. Hotchner:] Of course.

[you:] It's true.

[A. Hotchner:] Sure. 

[you:] OK

Samantha shut off her phone volume and sighed. It was time to lecture Nathan and clean the carpet. Parenting is tiring, especially when an unknown, absent father judges you. 

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