09. The desert

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The entire week, Samantha had been dreading the moment of leaving Nathan behind. Sure, it was only 2 nights, but she'd never been this far away from him, and it was scary.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," she said sadly while hugging Nathan one last time. Hailey stood at the door opening with an understanding smile, waiting to let Nate in. "Remember to behave, okay? I don't want any complaints." He nodded. "Yes, Aunt!" After one last kiss on the cheek, Samantha drove off to the airport with an empty feeling. 

After getting through security, she had nothing to do anymore. Boarding didn't start for an hour, so she just hung out at the lounge bar. Samantha wanted to text Aaron, but she didn't know what to say.

[You:] Aaron, why does waiting suck so much

There was no reaction. He was probably working, Samantha realized. Eventually, she ended up listening to an old man's stories, who claimed to be on his way to visit his quadruplet sons. She suspected him of having dementia.

Samantha's first flight was bumpy. There was a windstorm, but despite that, the flight wasn't canceled. The lady next to her threw up because of it, and the smell made Samantha almost throw up too.

But they made it to the ground somehow, and now there was another hour to kill during the layover. She turned airplane mode off and saw that Aaron had replied.

[Aaron:] Poor you, having to wait for an hour.

[Aaron:] Also I've figured it out

[You:] What?

[Aaron:] Your job. Stunt double, probably in famous movies. I win.

Samanta pouted, not that Aaron could see it. Her hint had been too obvious apparently.

[You:] Congratulations

[Aaron:] What's my price?

[You:] I have some ideas, but then you're gonna be all like:

[You:] 'Samantha that's inappropriate, stop.'

[Aaron:] Probably

[Aaron:] Maybe you should say it anyway.

Samantha couldn't help but smile. Aaron was getting more open and cheekier every day, and she loved it.

[You:] All I'm saying is that I'd look pretty cute wrapped up as a present

[Aaron:] I wouldn't know

[Aaron:] Because you won't tell me what you look like


[You:] I just remembered that your birthday is in 10 days, how fun

[Aaron:] I honestly don't understand why people find birthdays so necessary

[Aaron:] It's just an excuse for a party

[You:] That is indeed the point. But I assume you're not a fan of partying then?

[Aaron:] Not when it's forced on me, no.

[You:] But what about seeing your loved ones? And presents ofc. 

[Aaron:] If you only see your loved ones on birthdays, they're not loved ones. And I don't need presents.

[You:] Aww, but I just came up with a great gift.

[Aaron:] No

[You:] Yes :)

[Aaron:] Samantha I'm begging you

[You:] I like that in a man

[Aaron:] What

[You:] Oh looks like I can board the plane

[Aaron:] No, don't leave like this again

[You:] Until next time


Aaron was exhausted. It was 3 AM, and the team still had no idea where the unsub was. He still sat at the desk in the Miami police station with the team, and JJ had just fallen asleep in her chair. This case was a nasty one, a pedophile and murderer. Child cases always made him think about Jack, they made him worried. Reid interrupted his thoughts.

"Garcia just called me, a man named James Mendoza fits our profile, and also works at the Sportscenter the children were part of." The team rushed to the house, only to be greeted by the unsub who held a gun against a boy's head. He tried to remain cool and put on her serious face.

"James, put the gun down," Morgan said calmly. The man didn't react, it made Aaron's blood boil. While Morgan tried to negotiate, Prentiss made her way to a better point, where she successfully shot the unsub.  Aaron sighed relieved and watched how the SWAT quickly took the boy away.

"Are you alright? I know how difficult these cases are for you," Rossi asked once they were in the car heading to the plane. Aaron nodded at him.  "I'm fine, don't worry." He noticed that Reid was staring at him, and the boy quickly looked away.

"They're worried about you. Reid especially, you know how he deals with emotions," Rossi continued. "Aaron, I myself don't think that something negative is going on, on the contrary." The man had a cheeky smile on his face, and Aaron did not like where this was going.

"Is there a small possibility that your attention goes to a special someone?" He narrowed his eyes. "Are you profiling me?" David didn't answer him, because Aaron's phone buzzed.

[Sam:] Okay but why is the desert this hot? 

He smiled at her complaint. Rossi cleared his throat for Aaron's attention, just so he could flash him a smug smirk.
"Shut up David."

[You:] That is indeed the case for deserts. But I thought you were excited about this job.

[Sam:] Try doing parcours for eight hours in the burning sun. The director was so picky, I can't

[Sam:] But whatever I guess, that's why they picked me, I just do whatever they tell me to, keeping my reputation and stuff.  

[Sam:] Also I'm a delight to be around, as you know

[You:] Are you?

[Sam:] Aw, can't you just say 

[Sam:] Yes omg, you're so amazing

[Sam:] I need a confidence boost after today

[You:] You're above average

[Sam:] I'll take it

The car arrived at the airport

[You:] I have to go, our team's plane is waiting for us.

[Sam:] Wait, you have a private plane?

[Sam:] Stooop that's so sexy

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