08. Back to Work

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Samantha had been speaking with Aaron for about six weeks now, and she was really trying to create a picture of him. His mostly serious behavior and the fact that he had a 'superhero' job, made her think that he was a suitman. She had a theory that he was working in law enforcement, after this morning's question. He'd asked if she was a boss or a  supervisor, to which she answered with a no, but he said yes. And with the partially physical job, she was pretty sure her theory was right. She thought he'd be either a policeman or something federal, like the CIA or FBI.

After driving her nephew to school, Samantha went to a meeting for work for the first time in two months. In the last few years, working had been harder since she had someone to take care of now. She was forced to stay around DC which was a big obstacle. But now there was a job for her, which would last for at least 5 days.

Samantha was greeted by her favorite coworker, Joanne. "Sammy, I haven't seen you in forever," she said with an excited grin before they hugged each other.
"Baby, it's been two months, don't be dramatic," Samantha laughed. Then her manager Jones arrived with a file, and it was time to start.

"So," he said with a smile. "This is a good one, Samantha, but very last minute. Five to ten days, a proper salary you deserve based on skills and experience, and the set is built up near Baltimore." He handed Samantha the file.
"A homeland security character," she read, "how fun. Who's the actr- Oh, that's pretty cool. Do I wear a wig, or am I expected to dye my hair?"
"Hairdye." She hummed, it was only a few shades darker anyway. A 1050-dollar-a-day salary did sound very good.

"There is another offer as well, the same movie and more salary, it's two more days. But you'll have to fly to Ariz-"

"Nope," Samantha immediately said.
Joanne sighed. "Sam, it's only for two nights. Five in Baltimore, two in the Sonoran desert. Your daily salary will be 230 dollars more." It was very tempting, she had to admit that. "Let me call someone, it'll take a few minutes."

Samantha called Hailey to ask if Nathan could stay over next weekend. She was a bit embarrassed to do so, but Hailey understood it completely. "Thank you, you're amazing," Samantha said relieved. 
"Don't worry about it. Besides, Jack loves Nathan." For a second she wondered if she had to apologize for the swearword she taught Jack, but her colleagues called her back.


A day later, Aaron came home, seconds before Hailey dropped Jack off. After a painfully awkward greeting and goodnight, she left. 
"Daddy, daddy!" He turned his attention to his son, who was jumping in excitement. "Nate's gonna stay over this weekend for two nights!" Aaron chuckled at the happy boy.
"Two nights? That sounds like a lot of fun." Then he frowned. "You did ask Mommy, right?" He nodded.
"Yeah, Aunt Samantha asked Mom if Nathan could sleep over because she has to go away for the weekend." Aaron had to stop himself from interrogating his son.
"Really, where is she going?" The boy shrugged. "The desert." Aaron came to the conclusion that asking Jack questions would only make him more curious. 
"Alright buddy, let's get you to bed." 

After Jack fell asleep, Aaron poured himself a glass of whiskey and sat down on the couch. He wondered if it was strange to ask Samantha where she was going. But then again, a few days ago he'd said crazier things. Aaron still couldn't fully understand what he was thinking back then. 

As if on cue, he received a message.

[Sam:] So I've been thinking

[You:] Yes?

[Sam:] You wear suits, don't you?

Hotch frowned at the message. How did she know?

[You:] Elaborate

[Sam:] Is that a yes? 

[You:] Maybe

[Sam:] It just makes sense, since you're a supervisor in a law enforcement-related job. Also, your personality just screams suits

Aaron's jaw dropped, he was surprised she already figured out his profession. Well, not entirely, but that wouldn't take too long. He still had no clue about hers. At first, he thought personal trainer, but that would make her a supervisor or at least some sort of boss. Then a professional athlete, but now that she went to the desert, he had absolutely no clue.

[You:]  So, the desert? What are you gonna do there?

[Sam:] I'm a professional cactus cutter actually. 

[You:] Of course you are.

[Sam:] No, but seriously. I'm flying to Tuscon and from there on, I travel to my work location. where I'll stay for 2 nights & 3 full days. Consider this a big ass hint.

[You:] This isn't helping, Sam

[Sam:] Don't you have some police stalking equipment?

[You:] I'm not going to stalk you

[Sam:] Awh, that's too bad

[Sam:] You're never gonna find out what I do.

[You:]  Can I please get one more hint? Just a small one.

[Sam:] No

[You:] :(

[Sam:] Honey you've gotta stop doing that  

Aaron's heart skipped a beat as he read the message. Samantha was just joking around, he knew that. And maybe it's because he just drank another glass, but right now he wished she wasn't. 

[Sam:] OK fine. 

[Sam:] Soy mas lista que tu, anyway

[You:] Very funny

[Sam:] Okay okay 

Aaron refilled his glass again, all the way to the edge this time.

[Sam:] Millions of people have seen me, yet nobody knows who I am. 

[You:] Masked pornstar

[Sam:] omfg Aaron you can't just say that

[Sam:] I'm so stunned that you just said this

[Sam:] Wow. 

[Sam:] Are you drunk

[You] No

[Sam:]  Yes you are 

[You:] Tipsy at most. I don't get drunk, ever. What if I get called in for work?

[Sam:]  How does that even work when you've been drinking? Cuz you can't drive.

[You:]  Co-worker picks you up, or you take a taxi

[Sam:] Has that ever happened?

[You:] Only once

[You:] I don't want to talk about it

[Sam:] That bad, huh?

[You:] What about you, have you ever worked while drunk?

[Sam:] Goodnight, Aaron

[You:] You can't just disappear every time you don't want to answer a question

[You:] Samantha? 

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