06. The Charity Run

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For the past two weeks, Samantha barely spoke with Aaron. Between school, after-school activities, and running training, there was just no time, or reason to. It was now the day before the charity event, and Nathan was more hyper than ever. He was so excited that he barely ate his food.

"Sweetie, I have an idea. You can eat in front of the tv, as long as you finish your plate. I have to get some rest." A terrible lie, really.

The moment she lay down on her bed, Samantha texted Aaron.

[You:] Please tell me that Jack's also jumping around the house like crazy, I'd like to confirm that Nathan is a normal kid.

To her surprise, Aaron reacted immediately.

[Aaron:]  It's kind of endearing though. He's beaming.

[You:] I guess. Hey, I'm gonna see you in person tomorrow!

[Aaron:] Will you? According to Mary's map, our games are far away from each other. 

[You:] Oh shit, you're right.

[Aaron:] Language.

[You:] Sorry, my captain.

[Aaron:] Blonde

[Aaron:] Brunette

Samantha giggled at her phone. She had the greatest urge to tell him, but she resisted. It was part of the fun.

[You:] You wanna fantasize about me, Aaron?  Can't blame you.

[Aaron:] You're so cocky.

She realized her heart had started to beat faster.

[You:] No I'm not. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do some online shopping. I'm a chaperone at the sea party, and I really wanna look better than Lara's mom this year.

[Aaron:] You should get a Burberry mermaid dress.

[You:] If only they sold those. Imagine being a mermaid with that iconic pattern on your shells.

[You:] Wait, I could wear a Burberry look. I think I have an old coat from them. I could DIY something. 

[Aaron:] Are you seriously going to use a Burberry product for crafts?

[You:] Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. Bye, Aaron.

[Aaron:]  Goodnight my little mermaid.


The day after that was hectic. First, Samantha had to wake up at six to set up everything on the school fields, and after that, she had to pick up her nephew. There were arguing moms, stressed teachers, and most importantly, too many people were around to properly figure out where Aaron was. He was right, they were set too far away.

"Aunt Sam, it's time!" Nathan dragged her to the sideline of the trail before he joined the other kids. She looked at the child and felt nothing but pride and love. He was such a strong and happy boy, even after everything he went through. The whistle blew, and off they ran. 

The boys made it, all five miles and they wore a huge grin on their red, sweaty faces. "I'm so proud of you, my heroes!" She turned to Jack. "Have you seen your mommy and daddy?" The boy nodded happily.
"Yeah, I saw daddy during the mini-games, and mom when she watched me run." As if on cue, Samantha's phone pinged.

[Aaron:] Thank you so much.

[You:] For what? Being amazing?

[Aaron:] No. For making me part of this day. It was great to help out and play games with all of Jack's classmates. Never thought I'd say this, but I had fun during the water balloon game.

[You:] That's actually so sweet. I didn't see you today though.

[You:] I think. Idk what you look like. Does this mean you'll help at the party next month? 

[Aaron:] As much as I'd love to, I can't.

[You:]  :( 

[You:] Why not, work? 

[Aaron:] Possibly, and very probably but no. It's my birthday and my team wants to get drinks. If I don't have to work of course.

[You:] ur team? Do you mean a team as in Wonder Pets?

[You:]  Or Team Umizoomi? Nathan and I love Team Umizoomi

[Aaron:] It's my work team

[You:] Yeah I got that. What do you do for a living any way? You never told me.

[Aaron:] It's a secret

[You:] I'll keep it a secret, pinky swear. Now tell me.

[Aaron:] You never told me about your job as well. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to know how you can afford a 700 dollar backpack

[You:] What a bold thing to say. It's a secret

[Aaron:] Let's give hints

[You:] As in a guessing game?

[Aaron:] If you want.

[You:] Your son did tell me that you're a superhero, so I already have some ideas tbh

[Aaron:] Okay, that's unfair. How about you tell me if people see you as a superhero?

[You:] Only sometimes

[You:] Depends on the day.

[You:] Are you in the military?

[Aaron:] Too specific, there's no fun in that. Let's do 1 question a day

[You:] Sir yes sir.

[Aaron]: You're so annoying, you know that?

[You]: Ouch. Thanks by the way

[Aaron:] For what?

[You:] Telling me your birthday.

[Aaron:] Wait

[You:] I'm gonna write it down

[Aaron:] No why

[You:] Just in case. 

[You:] I have to go now, Nate's about to fall asleep on the couch and he's holding lemonade.

[You:] Goodnight my beloved soldier. Until next time

[Aaron:] Goodnight, Samantha.

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