03. I volunteer

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[A. Hotchner:] Okay, I volunteered to help at the run. Happy now?

[A. Hotchner:] No need to force me into activities anymore.

[A. Hotchner:] I'm very involved with my child's life, so you don't have to comment on my parenting anymore.

[You:] I literally only asked if Jack had seen Nathan's lunchbox. Are you okay, Mr. Hotchner? 

[A. Hotchner:] I'm talking about last week. About how you said I had to join school committees.

Samantha snorted while she read Aaron's messages.  Poor man, she didn't even mean to force him into anything. It was only a suggestion. The fact that he volunteered was kind of sweet though.

[You:] Ohh, I see. How do you know that you're free from work tho

[A. Hotchner:] My boss forced me to take up a vacation day, so I figured it was a good moment.

[You:] She forced you? Never heard that before.

[A. Hotchner:] I just so happen to love my job. 

[You:] I figured

[A. Hotchner:] It's an important job, you know.

[You:] You don't have to explain yourself to me, Mr. Hotchner

[A. Hotchner:] I know that.

[A. Hotchner:] Also my boss doesn't like me, that's why she does things like this. 

[You:] What a queen

[A. Hotchner:] You're kidding, right?

[You:] Such a strong woman.

[A. Hotchner:] Stop it, I'm begging you. She dislikes me a lot

[You:] lmao that's why she wants you away on vacation maybe

[You:] still hilarious

[A. Hotchner:] Why aren't you using completely written words?

[You:] It's dinnertime, have a nice evening.

Samantha rolled her eyes. She imagined Daddy Hotchner to look like one of those stern men, who constantly judge people in silence.

"Aunt?" She looked up at Nathan. "Can I stay over at Jack's this weekend?" He received a frown.
"His dad's okay with that?" Nate shook his head. "No, we're staying at his mom's house."
"Of course sweetie. On one condition." She nodded at the vegetables on the counter. 
"You're gonna eat all your veggies." Nathan sighed dramatically. "Okay, okay."

The house was quiet without Nathan. After driving him to school the next day, and no work to be done, Samantha was completely free to do whatever she wished. Except she had no idea what she wanted. For a second she wondered if it was too extreme to fly to her vacation condo for two nights. She decided that it was, and went for a shopping spree instead. 

Nathan hated shopping, but he needed new clothing at least every three months. He grew faster than Samantha wanted. Her eyes fell on jeans with monsters on them, something Nathan was obsessed with. She then saw a matching denim jacket. Denim on denim, that's a lot. But Nate would love it.

Samantha found shopping for kids' clothing way more fun than adult shopping. Way cuter, more colorful.

She eventually ended up with multiple bags for Nathan and a small one for herself. Not that it really mattered, everything for her Nate. His stuff was way cooler anyway, it included Legos, a bear-shaped backpack, and Super Mario Monopoly. 

The evening was silent, Samantha ended up drinking champagne and watching Ex On the Beach, something she couldn't do when there were kids around. It always made her feel smart. Knowing there were people like these in the world, boosted her confidence about her intelligence. 
Her phone beeped, and to Samantha's surprise, it was Hotchner.

[A. Hotchner:] I heard that Nathan is at Jack's house for once

[You:] Yeah, the silence feels a bit weird, ngl

[A. Hotchner:] What's a ngl

[You:] It means 'not gonna lie'

[A. Hotchner:] Oh okay.

The awkward answer made Samantha snort. Why was he texting her anyway?

[You:] So, what's up? You're not at work?

[A. Hotchner:] I was, but we just finished. I'm on my way home.

[You:] You better not be the one driving.

[A. Hotchner:] No, my coworker is, don't worry. 

[You:] Good, it's best to not die. We can't afford to lose a volunteer, Jordy's dad already canceled 

[A. Hotchner:] That's your only concern?

[You:]  My main one. You know how seriously I take my parental figure skills.

[A. Hotchner:] Yes, Jack told me.

[You:] I have a question of the utmost importance.

[You:]  Sealife or outer space?

[A. Hotchner:] What? 

[You:] Just pick one

[A. Hotchner:] Outer Space. 

[You:] Cool, thanks. You just decided on the party theme.

[A. Hotchner:] I'm honored. 

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