2.1 - Please

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Omg I'm  #1 again on Aaronhotchner and Penelopegarcia again, how does that happennn

5 Weeks after the first date

"But Sir... Please?"
"Garcia, I said no. Now get out of my office."
"Why?" Aaron got sick of her begging. He was about to push her out of the office when he heard another voice.

"What did he say, Babygirl?" Morgan yelled from the hallway.
"He said no!"
"It's not happening," Aaron sighed.
"Why not? She's going to love us," he promised.
"How many times do I have to say no?"

The team had been begging for days to properly meet Samantha, and Aaron was not having it. He knew what his team was like. They were way too curious, privacy-invading, and inappropriate. The last one was often unintentional, but still. He wasn't ready to expose her to Reid's talks about any body parts, or the dirty jokes from Morgan, Prentiss, and Garcia.

Besides, they weren't together officially, it's only been five weeks after their first date. Sure, they saw each other at any opportunity they had, and he really liked her, but that didn't change the fact they'd only known each other for a short time.
"Please," Garcia tried one more time.
"I'll kick you out of the team if you ask again," Aaron threatened, even though everyone knew that wasn't true. At least they gave up and left his office. 

Or so he thought. The moment he left his desk to get some coffee, Reid walked to him.
"Hotch, look what I got you," he said with the sweetest smile. In his hand was a cup of coffee. It was from a coffee shop, not the machine at work. Reid's smile turned into an unsettling grin he'd never seen before.
"Turn the cup around. Go ahead, do it. Do it."

"Please?" it read where the barista usually writes down the customer's name. There was a little heart with the letter S next to it. If it were anyone other than Spencer, he would've told them to stick the cup into their ass. That would have been the highlight of his whole career.

"Dr. Reid, what on earth is this? I mean, I expect this from any other team member, but you?" The boy shrugged. "I thought I'd try as well. Does it work?" Aaron stared at him with big eyes. "What? No, of course not!" Spencer walked back to his desk without a word. 

That evening, they flew to Portland for a case. The team took advantage of the fact that they were trapped in the plane. Morgan sat next to Aaron, unfortunately.
"Hotch, I've been thinking. Let's have a barbecue, together with your lady." Aaron glared at him in irritation.
"Sounds good to me. We can do it at my mansion. Maybe this Saturday," Rossi suggested. He frowned.
"Hang on, don't I get a say in this?" The team ignored his question, to his frustration.
"Saturday's good for me," Prentiss said. She turned to him.
"Hotch, I can't wait to meet Samantha properly." He shook his head.
"Nobody's meeting anyone," he said again.
"I'm free as well," Reid shared. Rossi smiled.
"Guess it's settled then."

Aaron was pissed at himself during the entire case. How did he let this happen? He still had to ask Samantha if she wanted to go, which he was stalling. It wasn't until Garcia threatened to hack his phone, that he decided to message her.


Samantha was doing laundry when she got a text from Aaron. She grinned at his name on her phone like a lovesick teen.

[SSA Charming:] Darling, I have a question

[You:] Go on, ask

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