12. Preparations

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I'm going on a little vacation tomorrow, so there won't be as many updates, sorryyy
And again, thank you for reading my story ❤️


[You:] We keep asking each other what we look like, but I think it's time to find out in person.

[You:] Would you like to go to dinner with me? 

Aaron and Garcia stared at the screen in anticipation. She took forever to answer, and for a second, he thought that he had it all wrong, that she wasn't interested in him the way he thought. He felt the blood leaving his body.

[Sam:] Aaron, of course I want to go to dinner with you.

[Sam:] Fuck yes

Aaron sighed in relief and leaned back in the chair. Garcia let out a little scream in the meanwhile, and within seconds, he heard her calling someone named "Hot Stuff." That meant Morgan in Pepelope-vocabulary. He realized he was grinning like a little child.

[You:] Thank god

[You:] I'm so relieved, you have no idea

[Sam:] I would never turn down an offer like that ;)

[Sam:] Where do you wanna go?

[You:] It's a surprise 

[Sam:] Awh

Someone knocked on the door, and then the entire team walked in. Aaron put on a serious face.

[You:] My team just barged into the room, I have to go now.

[Sam:] At 1.30 AM? Why?

[You:] You don't want to know.

"Hooootch, you tiger," Morgan laughed, and he patted Aaron's shoulder.
"Don't ever call me that again," he ordered. But his attempt to hide his happiness failed, there was a tiny smile on his face that he couldn't control.

"So, where are you taking the lady?" Rossi asked curiously. "In DC there's a wine bar and French restaurant combined. I think it's a good choice for her and me," he told the team.

"Hotch, you're crushing so hard," JJ giggled.
"No I'm not," he quickly said, knowing very well that he was. He looked at his watch. "It's almost 2 in the night, I think it's wise to return to-"

"I don't think so," Prentiss interrupted. Everyone sat down on the bed, while Aaron was still in his chair. "Why not?"

"Did you know that the number one conversation killer on a first date is past relationships, 49%, with dieting or body image coming in at number two?" Reid said out of nowhere.
"What he's trying to say, is that we're here for you," Rossi said with a smile.
"I am more than capable of having a date," Aaron said, feeling a bit offended. 
"C'mon Hotch, don't act as if that fact wasn't useful," Morgan said. Aaron sighed.

"Fine, tell me what you think might help," he mumbled. 


[You:] Ok but you gotta tell me where. 

[You:] What if I dress too casually? I'll be seen as some sort of hobo.

[Aaron:] That's not nice to say.

[You:] What if I dress too sexy?  I don't wanna be the restaurant slut

[Aaron:] Don't be ridiculous. There is no such thing as restaurant sluts

[You:] There's always a restaurant slut, Aaron.

[You:] And I'm not planning on being her.

[You:] What if I look too formal though? 

[Aaron:] Just dress however you want, I'm sure you'll look beautiful

[You:] You make me blush.

Samantha really was, and Nathan, who sat with her in the kitchen, noticed.
"What's going on, Aunty Sam? Are you okay?" She nodded with a smile.
"Yes, I'm just blushing." The boy tilted his head in confusion.
"There is a special someone I like, and this Friday, he's taking me to dinner." He started to smile as well.
"That's in 4 days! Are you in love? Will you marry him? Who is he?" She laughed at his excitement.
"Slow down, buddy. It's a first date, nobody knows what'll happen."

After driving him to soccer practice, Samantha's thoughts returned to date. She had absolutely no idea what to wear. 

[Aaron:] Okay, so I'm in Atlanta right now for a new case. 

[Aaron:] That's good news by the way, because we'll be home around Thursday or Friday morning. There is almost 0 chance that I have to work on a case on our planned date. 

[Aaron:] Morgan offered to step in as well, in case of emergency.

[You:] That's nice of him. 

[You:] So, no details at all? 

[Aaron:] No

[You:] Please?

[Aaron:] No

[You:] :(  But how am I supposed to go to the restaurant if I don't know which one it is?

[Aaron:] I'll send you the address an hour in advance, or I could pick you up if you want.

[You:] I'll manage, don't you worry.

[Aaron:] I have to get to work now, I'll see you on Friday

[You:] Good luck, sweetie.

On Thursday, Samantha had a crisis. She wanted to look on her best of course, but it was hard to do that if you didn't know the dress code. Aaron had texted her that he'd arrive back in DC this night, so the date was definite. The only thing she had settled on, was the color. Black. Or maybe red. Maybe pinkish beige. she'd thrown everything she might wear on the bed, meaning that there was a gigantic pile. She imagined Aaron would be wearing a suit, which was probably black. She decided at last that she wanted to match, so black it was. Or maybe white.

Samantha stared at the dresses she'd picked out. One was very dramatic, a gown. Intimidatingly beautiful, but too much. The second one was a Dolce and Gabbana dress, the mini-brocade dress. But it had a very deep neckline, so she wasn't sure. Then there was the white lace mini dress, but after looking at it for a few minutes, she realized it just looked like fancy underwear. 

It felt impossible until her eye fell on a silk black dress with long sleeves and a slit. It had a low neckline and an A-line, half-long skirt. Classy, with a bit of sexy in it. 

"Whatcha doing?" Samantha jumped up at Nathan, who stood in the door opening. 
"I'm trying on some clothes, for tomorrow."
"Are you going with Jack's dad?" Her jaw dropped at the question. "What makes you think that?" The boy shrugged.
"Jackie said his dad was going for dinner tomorrow as well." Samantha let out an awkward chuckle. "I see. Hey, wanna eat pizza?"

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