"So, are we going to get big now, or do I need to do your diaper first?" Daniel asked once they were alone, looking at Lando, who flushed a little, his hands grabbing his crotch where he felt the swollen up diaper.

"It's okay," Lando muttered, taking a deep breath and letting his headspace slide away, "I'm big now. I can handle it myself,"

"That's nice," Daniel said, only slightly disappointed. He had known Lando was going to be big for their meeting, "best wear a pullup though, you know how it is after you've gone this deep,"

"Yeah, yeah," Lando said, trying to ignore Daniel's words, but taking out a pullup none the less.

It was true that it was difficult to gain the control again after he had been this small, and with a sigh he resigned himself to a few accidents in the near future. And they wondered why he rarely regressed this small.

Charles tried not to stare when he saw Brad pass with Maxie in his arms. His race engineer was walking next to him and talking strategies, so he couldn't stop and begin a conversation, even though his whole body so desperately wanted to go and join the two.

Brad saw him and smiled, giving him a nod and Maxie looked at him curiously, the paci in his mouth and pointing at Charles until Brad took the pointed finger in his hand and held it close to him, shaking his head to Maxie.

He was probably telling the little that Charles couldn't be disturbed, and the Ferrari driver did understand that, he did, but when they walked away without any exchange of words, he could feel his mouth grew dry and a shiver travel up his spine.

How much he wanted to run after them, wanting to talk to Brad, wanting to make sure that Max was alright and steal a smile for himself. A pain formed in his chest, and he absentmindedly rubbed it.

"Charles, are you listening?" the engineer asked, and he turned towards the man.

"Ah, sorry, what were you saying?" Charles asked, ignoring the faintly nauseous feeling that rose within him when he walked further away from the caregiver and the little, and he tried to reason with himself that he would see Max soon.

After the race was more likely, because now they would be swept in the next race and he knew that even though Max would need to have time to go in headspace, Charles would be absolutely swamped and the team would frown upon him searching out contact with the rival team.

Turning his attention back to his race engineer, he tried to ignore the tiredness of his mind and body. Perhaps this time he would be luckier with his races. Perhaps he would feel better then.

Brad and Maxie spend the morning continuing to play with his toys, Max finally getting the change to explore his new stuff.

With Max being so tiny that he couldn't walk on his own, training was limited. Brad still wanted to get some exercise in, knowing that it was important for his driving, and he managed to keep a part of the play active, the two of them crawling through the room and clumsily climbing over obstacles.

Once they were done, and Max had gotten a small snack, he held his hands for Max, and the little soon was laughing, trying to pull himself to his feet as hard as he could, Brad pretending to topple over every so often, receiving loud laughter from Maxie.

It wasn't ideal in terms of a work-out, but it would do for now, and at least they did get some exercise in. The little seemed to be happy for the most part, laughing when Brad always showed him what to do, apparently finding it hilarious when the other man also was crawling on the floor.

Only when Brad needed to step away to the toilet for a moment did he start to cry again, loud and scared, clearly not liking the fact that he was being left on his own for even a moment, and the shrill panicky sound almost broke Brad's heart.

Little MaxieWhere stories live. Discover now