Chapter 14

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I added a little ✨comedy✨ into this chapter, cause I though it needed it. This was supposed to be divided into two chapters, but now your getting just one long one. But that also means I won't update this for a long while after this.

...Sorry Lloyd, I'll help rescue you some other time.

I headed back towards Stiix, and landed near the entrance gate. Kai jr. disappeared from under me, and I landed on the ground. I only let myself relax for a second before rushing off to find the ninja. My mask had apparently loosened during the little race with Morro, and I had to adjust it as I ran. I passed by the pawnshop, and by the ninja, and a toilet and... the ninja!

I made a U-turn and jogged to the table Jay, Cole, and Zane were sitting at. Jay stood up as he noticed me.

"(y/n)!" He called out as I stopped next to the table.

"I lost the scroll." The three looked down in disappointment for a second, before I turned to look around.

"Where's Kai?" I asked after a small silence, as Cole buried his face in his hands and Zane tried to speak up, but thankfully Jay spoke before he could.

"We couldn't find him. We looked all around here and where Ronin was but..." What?! Before I realized it, I had already lifted Jay into the air by his collar as the two others shot up and tried to push me away, which didn't work.

"What?! You know full well that he can't swim! And we're still in Stiix of all places! Who knows if something-!" I didn't want to believe something bad like that could have happened to him... and I didn't thankfully have to, once we saw Ronin's airship, Rex approach us from the air, Kai safe and sound on it. He waved to us, but he looked a bit concerned after noticing Jay and I, and I hastily let go of the blue ninja.

"Sorry." I quickly gave an apology to Jay, who looked slightly offended, but didn't say anything, before we concentrated on Kai again. He thanked Ronin, who said something along the lines of 'blah blah second chances blah', before flying away. I quickly ran up to Kai and hugged him in relief. He let out a laugh before hugging me back for a moment. The three others walked up to us as Kai pat me on the back gently.

"Second chances? What did he mean by that?" Cole asked, obviously referring to Ronin's words.

"We may have lost out on the Scroll, but he thinks there may be another way to learn Airjitzu." Kai explained, the two of us never separating for a second. He tried to, but I wouldn't let him go.

"We're still gonna fly?" Cole was more than excited, and so were Jay and Zane.

"Really? Another way?"
"!swen taerg si sihT" The two spoke as I finally let go of Kai, and backed away so the ninja could negotiate things by themselves. It was good I did, since Cole's expression had just turned serious.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a sec, Ronin makes deals in his favor, and you're a terrible negotiator." Cole's words made Jay tense up as well.

"Kai, what did you give him?" Jay questioned as the three closed in on Kai, who rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.

"I sort of gave shares of the tea  farm...along with all of yours." Kai confessed as the three others practically jumped on him.

"You what!?"
"Wu's gonna flip!"
"!swen elbirroh s'tahT" The three shouted at him all at the same time, and I hardly heard a thing they said.

"I did what I had to, and for Lloyd, I'd do it again!" Kai quickly shut them off, before turning to me pleadingly. I wasn't sure he was looking for me to back him up or what, but I know he knows, I'll always take his side. I stepped closer to him again and fixed my mask once again as Cole sighed.

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