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Hi! These are the questions you all asked me in the last update.


Question: To your writing...What motivation did you have through these years to finish this story?

Answer: This was actually pretty difficult to keep up motivation for Maid For You. I've written significant portions and several first chapters of other stories since writing MFY. It was hard to always care about MFY, and sometimes I felt like I was doing it forever and it would never end, but honestly posting it on Wattpad and having readers who cared and who wanted the next installment kept me going since I knew people were counting on me to continue.


Question: What's your favourite part in each of those four books.

Answer: Good question! Off the top of my head, these are the parts that come to mind:

Book 1: This isn't a super specific answer, but I really enjoy Cassie and Coleman's banter throughout the book. One of my favorite parts, though, is probably when she meets Queen Klara. Queen Klara is one of my favorite characters. I also like when Coleman finds her in the forest after she's broken her ankle.

Book 2: Definitely the scene when Cassie chooses Prince Nikolas to be her Prince for the Day. I had planned on that scene for years, and so finally writing and posting it was super satisfying. That was just such a fun part. It's probably my favorite part in the whole series.

Book 3: It's probably when Prince Nikolas has his whole speech against Coleman and Marstella. That was a good part.

Book 4: I like the igloo scene when Nikolas tells Cassie that he loves her in Russian, and I also like the second to last chapter with Cassie and Coleman's wedding rehearsal. It was really fun to bring in most of Cassie's friends she's made and have them all interact.


Question: What are your least favourite parts in the story, but you knew you need them in that story? (Or you know that you want them to be rewrite because you won't write it now).

Answer: Oh my gosh there are SO MANY GUYS in book one. There's Luke and Coleman and Chef Jonathan and Ethan and Dylan and Isaac. It's honestly insane. I also really don't like Coleman's behavior at first—obviously, he's supposed to be kind of a scoundrel, but he's just angry and he throws tantrums all the time. I feel like if Coleman is really such a smooth, womanizing player, he would be much more charming than that, more like how he is later on. He still is full of faults and is really egotistical, but he isn't screaming all the time and isn't so ostentatiously rude.


Question: Rewriting the first book..did you find something enjoying what you did back then and you try to avoid now?

Answer: The first book is just a lot of fun. It's funny and light and enjoyable. By Book 4, Cassie was dealing with a lot of heavier emotions, especially regarding Prince Nikolas, so it's been fun to go back and rewrite those fun parts. I sort of mention this in the previous question, but I'm trying to reform Prince Coleman's character a bit. I've already gotten a lot of feedback from my current rewrite of Chapter 1, and I probably need to change the rewrite to make Cassie and Coleman fight again, but I'm trying to make him douchey but not angry and scary.


Question: Will there be some sequel? Like just one chapter? (I would love to know how these characters continue with their storyline, like in 5 years or something 😍. Like, will there be a coronation of Coleman in his early 30th, or will he receive the crown in later age. Cassie and babies? It's expected from her, but will she have any? What about Calista and King Nicolas? Will they get along? Merc. And Lydia?

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