Chapter 38

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Nikolas immediately dismissed Melaniya as we entered my room, and the second the door shut behind her, his hands were on my face and his lips were on mine.

He may have never kissed someone before, but he was a fast learner.

Our kiss was soft and chaste at first, a series of shorter, sweet kisses, but after a few minutes, I began to deepen our kisses, and he in turn began to reciprocate. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I started to walk backwards until the back of my legs hit the side of the sofa, causing me to stumble a bit. I sat down on the couch's arm rest, breaking off our kiss for a moment. I smiled at him and grabbed his coat and pulled him into me and peppered him with a series of short kisses.

"You." Kiss. "Are." Kiss. "So." Kiss. "Hot."

I could feel his lips release chuckle against my own. "Cassie." He murmured my name. Still leaning over, he wrapped one arm around my back and hooked another arm under my legs and turned me around while he himself came around the arm rest to sit on my couch. He pulled me off the armrest so that my legs lay across his, and my large, beautiful royal blue skirt fanned out over us. His torso was turned towards me and I held his face in my hands and continued kissing him while he held me securely in his arms around my waist.

"This wasn't—" he started, kissing me. "My..." Another kiss, and a breathy laugh. "My plan."

I giggled like a schoolgirl, and broke away for a second. "Mine neither." I caressed his face with my thumbs, and looked at him in the eyes.

"I prefer this plan," Nikolas said, and I giggled all over again, sliding my hands from his face down to his shoulders.

"Me too," I said, my heart swelling for the beautiful man before me.

He held my face with his left hand and I leaned my cheek into it. "You are so beautiful," he told me. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek. "You are just—." His eyes looked so sincere. "I've never felt this way before."

Gosh, I was in love with him. I was so in love with him. "Nik, you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world," I said.

"You deserve the very best," he said.

"As do you," I said, swatting away the flying thought that the very best wasn't me. I leaned forward and whispered in his left ear. "You don't even know how hot you are right now." I kissed his ear. I kissed his jaw. I kissed his neck. I placed two fingers inside the collar of his jacket and pulled it aside as much as I could to kiss lower on his neck.

Nikolas began unbuttoning his jacket, and I couldn't help but smile. "You like these kisses then?" I asked, glancing up at his face. He smiled sheepishly.

"This jacket is too hot," was all he said, and I at least believed that. Soon, he was just wearing his white undershirt, and he pulled me back with him onto the couch, and I was snuggled up against him with my torso facing him and my back against the couch cushions.

"You're a quick learner," I said, in between kisses. I was giddy and giggling with his arms around me and his handsome face just before me. I traced his lips with my finger.

"Am I?" he asked, smiling in a way that I'd never seen him smile before tonight. He moved his hand up to my hair. "Your hair is still full of pins."

"Do you want to play with my hair?" I asked him, and he just smiled and nodded. "Okay. Then take them out." I started to sit up, and he followed in suit. I set cross-legged under my huge ballgown, and Nikolas sat behind me with one leg over the couch and one leg folded. I felt his nimble fingers pulling first at the crystal pins and then the bobby pins, releasing pressure from of my head. Then, I felt a soft kiss on my neck that sent shivers down my spine. He pulled out a pin, and in return bestowed a kiss—a process he continued until all the pins were gone and my hair fell loose in what I was sure to be some horrid mess.

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