Chapter 78

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"Coleman?" I asked. We were continuing to walk through the gardens, holding hands and swinging them as we went along.


"Why do you..." Love me? Love felt like such a strong word, yet he had used it, hadn't he?

"Love you?" he asked, reading my mind.

I smiled awkwardly. "Yeah."

"Fishing for compliments, I see."

"You got me," I admitted. "It's just, well, this is all so new and sudden!"

"Sudden?" He rose his eyebrows. "The last eight months wasn't long enough for you?"

"I mean, we could have reached this point a bit sooner, but—"

"You were the one with all the boyfriends, Cass," he said.

"Me?" I guffawed. "Well every girl you met was your girlfriend for the night, so excuse me that I dated someone."

"Not just someone. You dated my butler."

"Boo hoo."

"Actually, I saw him yesterday. Lucas."

"Oh, yeah. Calista told me. I was surprised that you two got together to catch up, honestly."

"Well, it was more than just catching up," Coleman said. "Lucas had something that he clearly wanted to say to me."

"Did he?" I was curious. "What did he say?!"

Coleman turned to me, smiling mischievously. "It's a secret."

"You can't tell me he had something to say to you and not say what!" I whined.

"Why the interest in your ex, Cassie? I'm a jealous person, just so you know. I might have to challenge him to a duel."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please."

Coleman laughed, and let go of my hand to instead put his arm around me and pulled me in. He smelled nice, like he always did, and he kissed the top of my head. "Lucas told me that he knew I loved you, and that I was a coward for doing nothing about it. I thought about his words a great deal, and I realized he was right." He stopped us from walking and stepped in front of me, placing his arms on my shoulder and clasping them behind my neck. "To answer your question, Cassie, I love that you are fiery and bright. I like teasing you, yes, but I like that you can tease in return. You've always seen me as human instead of as an individual larger than life, a crown. Sometimes you tell me things I want to hear, but often you tell me things that I don't and yet need to know. Ultimately, I find myself as ease when I talk with you. Whether there is laughter or tears, I like being with you."

My heart felt so full and warm. "That's actually really sweet."

He grinned mischievously. "I also forgot to mention that you're hot."

I guffawed. "Wow. I see how it is." But actually, I quite liked his comment on my appearance. It never hurts to be told you're hot now and then by someone you like.

"I'm still a man," he shrugged.

"You are," I said, staring into his eyes.

Coleman's eyes looked into mine before flitting down to my lips. We both closed the distance between us and kissed, long and slow as though we had all the time in the world. I mean, I personally wasn't in a rush to get to bed. When our kissed ended, Coleman took my hand and led me forward again on our walk.

"Alright, I answered your question. It's only fair you answer in turn: what do you love about me?"

I looked at him and smiled coyly. "What do I love about you?"

"A man needs his ego puffed up now and then."

I couldn't help but tease him just a little. "You know, I think it all comes down to the fact that you're rich."

Coleman rolled his eyes, but wore a side smile. "You're terrible."

"And we can't forget your princely title, your highness. You know that I could never settle for a lowly baron, of all people. For shame!"

"It would be a travesty indeed."

"You're also good-looking. I mean, I'd date you for the money alone, but your looks make it all the more bearable."

"Ah, I'm feeling warm and fuzzy already."

I laughed and swung around so that I was in front of him, still holding his hand. "Okay, you are handsome," I admitted. "And that doesn't hurt."

He rose an eyebrow. "I suppose not."

"But I also love how good of friends we are."

"Wow, Cassie. Here I was, trying to have a moment, and you go on and friendzone me."

"I am not!" I cried, hitting his arm.

He broke into a big grin. "I bear my soul and you tell me how we such good friends. Life is cruel."

"Oh shut up. Do you want me to tell you what I like about you?"

"It's the cars, isn't it?" He sighed. "I knew it. Though, I'd date me for the cars, too, so I can hardly blame you."

"Fine, whatever," I said, dropping his hand and walking away, a mischievous smile on my face that he could not see.

"Okay, I'll stop joking around. Though, you started it so it was only fair!"

I said nothing, but kept walking forward whimsically with my hands behind my back.

"Cassie." He sounded a bit whiny.

I turned to look at him over my shoulder. "Do you really want to know?"

His features changed and he looked like he was lost in a dream. "Goodness, you're so pretty." I turned around more fully and he stepped up to me and took my face with his hands with an almost desperation, though he did not hurt me. It excited me. He then began kissing me deeply, and I grabbed onto his forearms as I kissed him back. His hands moved to my back, and we stood there kissing for a few minutes until he pulled away.

"Yes, I want know what you like about me," he panted.

Oh, he's too hot for me to handle this, I thought, wishing I could just feel his lips on mine again.

"You can't do that," I said.

"Can't do what?"

"Kiss me and then immediately ask a question."

He grinned. "Why not?"

If my cheeks weren't already flushed, I was sure they would be. I averted my gaze. "I'm flustered now."

"Are you?" His voice was deep and soft and it tickled my right ear.

I drew in a deep breath. "You know what I love about you?"


I took a step back so that I could better look at his face. "I've always felt like I could be my true self with you. With all of my outbursts, my anger, even my tears and sadness. Through the good times and the bad, I feel like you've appreciated me. You can handle my good and my bad, and you're not afraid of me. I throw things at you, and you throw them back. You don't make me feel inferior because I'm not a princess, which obviously, I'm not. I mean, you were a patronizing at first when I was your maid, but you've honestly changed a lot. At the end of the day, I like being with you. I also like talking with you. You're one of my best friends, and I feel like we just click."

His face looked very content. "Now I feel warm and fuzzy."

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