The End

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As I write this, it's still hard to believe that this saga has come to an end here on Wattpad. It has been such a blast for me to write about Cassie, Coleman, Luke, Nikolas, and so many other characters. And wow, it's been quite the journey, hasn't it? I have been writing Maid For You for many years now, and a lot of you have been here for years as well. I am not exaggerating when I say that if it weren't for you readers, I never would have finished. I most likely would have written a few chapters before abandoning the story for some other unfinished project. And yet, here we are four books and six years later.

Your comments and messages made me laugh, they gave me encouragement, and they helped me believe in myself and what I have to offer as a writer.

I'm sure a lot of you are relieved that it's finally over (and I've certainly felt that relief myself!), but I have one more announcement for those of you who are interested. I have decided that I am going to self-publish Maid For You on Amazon. Several readers have reached out to me over the years wishing they could own a hardcopy version, so Maid For You will be available come September of 2023. Obviously, you all have already read it, but I've been working on rewriting the first book and polishing it since I started it when I was only sixteen and there are some changes I want to make. There will be new scenes and new fun, but the heart of it and main storyline will remain.

If you'd like to follow me to keep up with the upcoming Maid For You release, or if you just want to see what future works I'll eventually get to (I do have a lot of ideas for other stories), here is my Instagram and Website:

IG: @littlefriendstories


I am posting a lot of fun updates on Instagram and it's the best way to interact with me, and on my website you can sign up for my newsletters. If you'd like to get the first chapter of the rewritten Maid For You for free, you can sign up to receive it. Plus, you'll get other updates and hopefully entertaining emails from me.

Thank you all again for joining me on this journey! You all are incredible, and I'm honored that you'd spend your precious time and energy to read these four books. In case you wanted to know, the four books combined total to about 361,000 words.

If you have any questions for me about the story, my favorite parts, my writing process, or anything, please ask me here. I may make an FAQ post in the future, or I'll answer in the comments or on my social media.

Thank you,


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