Chapter 58

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I didn't know how to take it, and I didn't appreciate the little pitter patter in my heart.

Not again, I thought. Just because Nikolas had broken my heart didn't mean I needed a rebound: and it certainly didn't need to be Coleman. It was just easier because I'd liked him before.

"Don't be stupid," I finally said, both to Coleman and secretly to myself.

He sighed. "Honestly, you're very limited in your perspective of what opportunities your friends may open up for you. These nobles work extensively with companies, with land. There are hundreds and thousands of job opportunities. You could run back to America and start at zero, but that would be impractical. And as for marriage—there is no reason for you to marry any of these people."


Madeline was more interested in my potential to marry someone than Coleman was. We arrived at her soiree, where she greeted us both and was even nice to Coleman. She looped her arm around mine and led me a bit of a ways off from the crowd of people.

"Cassie, there are plenty of nice, single young men here," she said quietly. "I know you recently suffered your heartbreak and whatnot, but I want you to pay attention to these young men and see if there is anyone who catches your interest."

In another circumstance, or even on another day, I would have been much more excited about this, but in the moment I felt very dedicated to my potential, future career, and I thought networking for that end to be more important.

"Okay," I started. "But I've been thinking lately about how I want to start making steps towards a career. Not just marriage."

"Sure, sure." Madeline patted my arm.

"I'm serious," I hissed. "You know, love can let you down but money won't."

Madeline rolled her eyes. "Clearly you're unaware of inflation."

"I'm aware of it," I snapped.

"You're jaded, Cassie," she said. "Perfectly understandable, but let me tell you, late at night you're not going to be wishing for a cold stack of money to hold in bed. Go work on your career, sure, but I say why not both? Why can't you have a guy and a career? It's very limiting to assume you can only have either or."

She made a good point.

"Madeline, you're not hogging Cassie all to yourself, are you?" a voice asked from behind.

The two of us turned around, and I found myself face to face with Lord Harry. He took my hand that wasn't wrapped around Madeline's arm and kissed the back of it with a slight bow. "Miss Carmichael, it has been a long time."

"I think new guests are arriving," Madeline said, looking at the door Harry had his back to where there were approximately zero guests arriving. "I'll talk with you both more later." She unlinked her arm from mine and walked off towards Roiben with a beaming face.

Subtle, I thought, but Lord Harry didn't seem to mind.

"I believe it's been three months since we saw each other last," Harry noted with a smile, tilting his head. "At the Princess's debutante ball." He had a head of dark brown hair, similar to mine, and cheery hazel eyes. I wasn't sure what I really thought about him. I'd never actually seriously considered Harry before as I had been dating Luke, and this was the first time I was seeing him as a single woman.

He was kind of cute, actually.

"It feels like that was a long time ago," I said, glancing to the floor in contemplation. An eternity, really, in light of everything that had happened since then.

When I looked back at Harry again and snapped out of my memories, his smile had grown just a bit. "You've been quite busy since then."

"I have," I said.

"I was sorry to hear that you broke up with the Prince's butler." He sounded pretty cheery to me.

I rose an eyebrow and smirked a little bit. "You seem pretty broken up about it."

His smile turned sly. "Well, I'll admit, I could have been sorrier."

"Is that so?" I asked.

"I'm a scoundrel," he confessed.

"I guess I'll forgive you." I'd forgotten how fun flirting was.

"You're too kind."

"How have you been, then?" I asked.

Harry began telling me about what he'd been up to the last few months, and in turn I gave him a very very brief overview of my time in Nikoto, and detailed the last couple of weeks.

"Are you excited about the Princess's engagement?" Harry asked me.

I did my best to smile. "Yes," I lied, my stomach feeling queasy. Our conversation had started out light and fun, but of course it had led towards Nikolas—it was only natural, since I'd been spending so much time in Nikoto. I suddenly wondered if I'd ever see that country again.

"And you'll be at Madeline's wedding?" Harry continued.

"Yes. I'm actually a bridesmaid!"

"Are you really?" he asked. "That is very exciting."

"It is. And I'm really happy for them." At least I didn't have to fake my happiness about Madeline's wedding.

"I'm glad to know that I won't have to wait another three months to see you again," he said.

A smile rose on my face.

"Then again, we don't have to wait until the wedding to see each other," Harry lilted.

Hmm, this was a development. Did I want to encourage him or not? Did I actually want to spend time with him or not?

"Lord Harrison!" a voice interrupted us in the middle of my pressing choice. It was Coleman, naturally, who clapped Harry's shoulder as he approached.

Harry's smile was polite, but not much more than that.

"Your highness," he said.

"Cassie," Coleman asked me. "Have you been talking about any career opportunities with Lord Harrison here?"

Coleman and I were friends now, but I'd forgotten just how annoying he could be.

"No, we were just catching up," I said.

"What's this about career opportunities?" Harry looked at me with a smile. "Are you looking to leave the palace, then?"

"Well—" Coleman started.

"I am," I said. "As we talked about, Princess Calista will be marrying King Nikolas, and so I'm hoping to find a job outside the palace. Preferably one that will lead into something that I can make a career out of."

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Harry's eyes were alight. "I'd love to help out if I can."

"Really?" I asked. Well that was easy.

"Let's discuss this more tomorrow," he said.

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes." Harry tilted his head again. "Let's talk about it over dinner."

Coleman frowned, and set his eyes on me to see my response.

Career and a man. Why not both? Madeline had said.

"Okay," I agreed. Really, what did I have to lose? Harry was cute and fun and I had no reason to not go to dinner with him. Who knew, maybe I'd end up liking him, and he didn't seem to have any grand moral quandaries about being with me as far as I could tell. Who knew that that would be such a hard trait to find.

"You're welcome to come to the palace for dinner tomorrow, Lord Harrison," Coleman interjected.

Lord Harry looked at Coleman, his smile polite but his eyes a little mischievous. "I appreciate the offer, Prince Coleman, but I was planning to take Cassie out to a restaurant." 

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