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Back at the Rosie's hometown Shizuoka, 6:00 AM
Alarm beeps
Alarms sounds like a scene from a horror movie...
Jin moves towards the alarm clock to turn it off.
"It's morninggg alreadyyy? Im gonna sleep 5 minutes more" Jin goes to sleep again.
Misae enters and tries to wake Jin up. Jin doesn't respond. Misae pulls his ears and screams "WAKE UP WHEN I ASK YOU POLITELY... SLEEPING ALL DAY LIKE A FAT COW WHAT ARE YOU? SNORLAX??? IF YOU WON'T GET READY IN 10 MINUTES I AM NOT GONNA GIVE YOU ANY BREAKFAST!
Rooms shuts and Jin is traumatised.
Jin, brushes his teeth while being half asleep. After brushing teeth and washing his face he wears his uniform and stand up in front of mirror posing like a fashion model. "Damn, how can someone be so handsome? I'm indeed the most handsome guy in my family, no actually in the whole Shizuoka. Am I really their son? Nope they must have kidnapped me. Well that's understandable" Jin gives a cocky smile as his teeth shines. Meanwhile Misae shouts his name and Jin flinches with terror.
While having breakfast his eyes goes towards the photo frame of Rosie. "Sometimes I wonder why she can't be like me? Smart, good looking and popular. She must be jealous of me... poor soul" meanwhile Rosie sneezes while sleeping in her room"
Jin enters in the school, everyone is looking at him as he walks with the pride. Some girls are going crazy over his looks while some students were running from him as his cocky attitude is popular in the entire school.
When he was all the way to the class he bumps into a rowdy senior, "Matsuda Satoru aka SPIKE"
"Hey, you... stupid brat. Watch where you're going" said SPIKE angrily
Jin smirks and comes closer to him glaring in his eyes "It is your good luck that a handsome guy like me is standing in front of you... it would be better for you to show some gratitude, You fried shrimp." Said Jin while patting his shoulder. SPIKE's side-men were all the way to attack him but SPIKE stops them.
Spike comes more closer, "Do you know who you are talking to? I guess you don't. Do you see my men behind me, they can break your 216 bones in your body. It's my good day so I am letting this slide. Do you understand?" said SPIKE while pulling his jacket and pushes Jin when he finishes. Jin then look at his side-men going all angry and ready to fight with him. "Oops... sorryy. Oh this good looking face of mine always gets me into trouble ya know... I sometimes get lost in my own beauty, this corridor is all yours, sorry for coming in your way..." Jin smirks and SPIKE and his side-men laughs at him. As SPIKE leaves Jin says "SPIKE huh? You're dead meat"
1 week later...
SPIKE and his side-men enters the school and all the students looks at them and gossip... all of them were confused. "Hey why the heck they are looking at us like we are aliens or something" said SPIKES frustrated.
Then one of his side-men caught a student looking at them strangely and then looking at his cellphone" his side-man goes to him and snatches his cellphone, "Lemme see what ya looking" he was shocked to see the cellphone which contains the video of SPIKE a muscular guy is getting beaten-up by his mother as his mother was shouting "THIS IS THE 3rd TIME IN THIS MONTH YOU HAVE WET YOUR MATTRESS! WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND YOU ARE NOT AN INFANT ANYMORE!" SPIKE was seen running all the way in the neighbourhood crying in the video while his mother chasing him. SPIKE turns pale as his secret got leaked and even his side-men were controlling their laugh. As SPIKE looks around he sees everyone laughing at him. Then after few seconds a sound of whistle can be heard and few people who were bullied or harassed by SPIKE gathers around him and throws water balloon at him and his side-men, some even threw things like trash bins, diapers and empty milk packets at him. Many other students frustrated from SPIKE joins. Some teacher witness the scene but doesn't interrupt because they were also frustrated by SPIKE's attitude. They ignore it completely.
Then after some while we can see JIN coming towards SPIKE slowly with a smirk on face and says "Well it doesn't suit my glorious personality to come near these trash but I feel pity for you. You should not have messed up with me". SPIKE shouts, "I WILL KILL YOU". "No no no, don't even try" said Jin and then in his ears he whispers "Next time it will be a video of you getting beaten up by the girls of every age group in the girls washroom" SPIKE once again is pale and Jin puts a sticker of pacifier on his lips. Jin then winks at him and walks away, then he turns around and say, "Oh yes, an adult body has 206 bones. But if you mess-up again, Ill leave you with 216 bones by breaking them". Jin walks away while leaving SPIKE in terror. Everyone laughs at SPIKE.

*Flashback. Jin gathers all the victims of SPIKE and his group and plans to bring him down. They stalks him and collect all the clips of him doing weird things. Hinata, one of the victim shares that she once spotted him getting beaten up in ladies washroom. Jin asks if she has any clip she said she doesn't but just this information would be enough to scare him. Jin collects all this information and creates the plan. "Poor soul tchtch" said Jin while giving an eerie smirk.
Back in the dormitory we can see Rosie discussing about her family. "I have a brother, Jin. Unlike me he is not physically strong, but mentally... he is far more stronger than me. He is a blessed child with a good mixture of beauty and brain. He has ability to even put down a strong monster ahead of him with his strong mind. Even sometimes he pisses me off, but we love each other and our bond is our strength" said Rosie. "Wow your brother is very interesting, is he single?" said Yumi. "He's a teen Yumi" Rosie replied. "Oh it means I have to wait more years for him" they both laughs

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