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"I wanted to be a businessman", Satoshi "I never wanted to be a model". Rosie is listening to him. "At the very young age of 12 I started working as my family was struggling with financial problems... both my parents are no more but their debts are over my shoulder, also I am supporting my grandmother... my guardian" said Satoshi. "That's very tragic, that you are going through a lot", said Rosie. "Well, everybody has a backstory, after all that is life" Satoshi smiles. After leaving the library Rosie is on her way towards her room remembering Satoshi's words.

Hiro is seen swimming in the pool. He likes swimming and he is enjoying it to the fullest. Hiro climbs up to ground and his friends are praising him for his skills. "Wow leader! You should be a professional swimmer" both his friends praises him. "Really? Let's compete!" Hiro pushes them both to the pool and jumps himself. They are seem to having fun.

Yumi is on the shopping complex, buying herself expensive items... as usual. She is moving straightly and suddenly stops as a man comes in front of her on her way. Both of them are astonished to see each other. It turns out that he is Yumi's ex, Tamami Katagiri.

Yumi and Tamami are sitting together in a food court, "How have you been", Yumi asked. "Very sad", Tamami replied. "Why?" Yumi asked. "I missed you a lot" Tamami replied. Yumi with tears in her eyes, "But you said, that you don't love me!". "I lied... I lied because you deserved better! Not a peasant like me! But now I am regretting" Tamami replied. Yumi, "Who told you this nonsense! My love had nothing to do with your status! It is not too late we can start over again...". "I am sorry Yumi, I cannot focus on relationship now. My mom is getting treatment in Osaka... I have to arrange $5000 with in a month anyhow" Tamami gets up "Well then see you!". "Wait!" Yumi interrupted, she takes off her diamond locket, "My uncle gave me this on my 16th birthday... It is worth around $7k-8k, he won't mind if I use it to help someone. Take this and get her treated in some good hospital" Yumi hands her locket to him. "Thankyou, I'll return you this someday!" Tamami said emotionally, "Mention not! Please take care of your mother", Yumi replied.

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