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"Excuse me!" "Please listen" "Hello", Rosie lost her way and is searching for the auditorium. *BUMP* Rosie gets up and realized she's bumped into a tall guy. The guy is pretty fit and handsome and has light skin, hazel eyes, and pretty big eyelashes. This boy belongs to a rich politician family. His name is Hiro Yamada. "I am sorry," Rosie said. "Watch your steps," said Hiro. "Maybe she bumped into me intentionally, well she's not that bad though," Hiro thought and left. "What a rooster" Rosie eye-rolls and leaves.

Rosie saw a crowd of girls screaming and going crazy, it sparked her attention and she came to see what was going on. She realized that girls were going crazy over a supermodel Satoshi Endo, which is also one of the freshmen. She makes eye contact with him and left because she was getting late for the orientation.

Rosie finally enters the auditorium for the orientation and realizes everyone in her batch is from a very elite background she nervously finds a seat and sits. Arrogant girls sitting next to her eye-rolls at Rosie thinking of her as a commoner. "What a tiring day," Rosie said and ignores their behavior.

"May I sit here?" a girl looking like a supermodel came to Rosie. Rosie stares at her head to toe and asked "Are you a princess?" girls laugh and said "Oh no! But you can treat me as one, my name is Yumi Honda, and yours?" Rosie introduces herself. Yumi sounded like a cocky but kindhearted girl and that's how Rosie made her first friend in her university, but who knows what challenges life will bring to her?

AlwaysМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя