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Satoshi is sitting at the University's park, playing with the cat. Rosie enters and greets him, offering her a pack of ice cream. "I am on a diet", Satoshi denies. "Rules are meant to be broken. Here," Satoshi accepted her offer and they start eating ice cream together. "It's delicious", Satoshi says with pleasure. "You like ice cream don't you?" Rosie asks. "Yea, since I was a kid. How do you know?", Satoshi. "Your eyes shined so bright when you saw the ice cream, it was obvious" to which they both chuckle. Rosie plays with the cat, "And you like cats? Don't you?", Satoshi. Rosie replies, "Yup, even I think that they are better than humans. They are not fake, they do what makes them happy... while most of us don't dare to even listen to our heart" Satoshi seems to be touched by her words. Rosie, "Okay then see you". When she leaves Satoshi gives deep thought to her words.

"A date...?" Rosie asks Yumi. "Yes, Hiro came to me and ask me to tell you this. He invited you on a date tonight" said Yumi. "Have you gone crazy? Stop kidding around" Rosie said. Yumi, "I am not kidding, I could see through him, and he was damn serious". "Why so sudden? Lemme ask him over text," said Rosie. Yumi nervously, "Oh no are you mad? He might think that you have never been asked out by a guy before!" Yumi snatches Rosie's phone "Believe me he is definitely into you... and you also like him, right?". Rosie, "Nope". Yumi thought, "She's hiding her feelings, I can feel you, Rosie". "Still I think you should give it a try" Yumi insists. Rosie objects but Yumi insists on her anyway. "You're so stubborn, okay fine"

"I don't like such jokes", annoyed Hiro. "We are not kidding. She said she has a huge crush on you!" Daisuke said. Hiro pinches himself, "Am I dreaming? It's not like her... Maybe she's pranking us". "I don't think so, she looked damn serious. By the way, I don't think she's that bad. You should give it a try," Kaiji said. Hiro, "I cannot believe that she said that. I am really curious now. Maybe I should give it a try"

Rosie picks her everyday attire for the date, Yumi shows disappointment that it is not girly to which Rosie replies, "But it is pink!". Yumi picks a black dress with a designer bag and shoes. She also picks up accessories and styles them up for the date. With hair extensions (curly black hair), smokey eye makeup with a red lip color... Rosie is indeed looking gorgeous. "Kawaii~ (cute)" Yumi says to Rosie. "I cannot drive the bike in this outfit," Rosie said. "You are not going by bike dumb," said Yumi.

"Why she is taking so much time!" Hiro is waiting for Rosie. "It is obvious, it is normal for girls to take time. Is it your first date?" Kaiji asked. "Yea, so what? And I can't believe it is with her!" Hiro replies. "Hey everyone!" Yumi calls the boys. Hiro turns behind and is stunned by Rosie. Kaiji's mouth is wide open upon seeing her and Daisuke rubs his eyes "She's is beautiful" they thought. Hiro takes Rosie to the car and opens the door for her. They both leave for their first date and their friends wish them a good luck. Yumi, Daisuke, and Kaiji cheer when they leave.

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