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Hiro is seen entering the palace-like house that has hundreds of servants bowing to him. A woman well-dressed runs into him "Hiro my dear" and hugs Hiro. He ignores her and moves on. "How have you been? Are you eating food properly? Oh my God, you are looking so weak" She follows him. Hiro resisted, "Mom... Please!". Narumi, Hiro's mom, is watching him tearfully. Hiro then rushed into his father's room who is talking on the phone call. Hiro threw the invitation card on his table. "I told you to keep me away from your business. Tell me why should I come to your client's daughter's birthday?" Hiro saw his father aggressively. Hitoshi, Hiro's father smirks, "Because you are the heir of everything I own, you should meet whoever I want you to meet, you should befriend whoever I want you to, You should marry whoever I choose for you" Hiro angrily says, "I am not your puppet! I told you this before". Hitoshi comes to Hiro... "If you don't want to be my puppet, then I am afraid that I have to disown you". Hiro glares at Hitoshi, then he moves towards the door and Hitoshi says, "Be ready by 7:00 PM Dear son" Hiro slams the door.Hiro is getting his arranging his closet and Narumi knocks on the door and walks in, "Hiro-chan why did you leave the home and moved into the dormitory? Don't you like it here with us?". "I don't find it good here, I feel good at the dormitory" Hiro replies. Narumi grabbed his face and says, "Don't steal your eyes away from me just because you don't like your father. Your mother cannot live without you" and starts crying. Hiro hugs her. "I'll come here to see you often when the dad is not around," said Hiro with teary eyes.

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