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Rosie rushed into dormitory's room. Yumi is excited to see her, "You are back? How was the date? Tell me every-..." she notices her sad and weak face and asks, "What happened?". "Why you did this Yumi? I thought you were my friend. Why did you lie to me? Is my existence a joke for you too?". "Rosie wait!", Yumi. Rosie goes to change, meanwhile Yumi is concerned that what's wrong with her suddenly.

Hiro is at the bar, drunk. He's crying and realizing that he went too far with his arrogance. "I hate my dad the most, but I am no different than him. Today I hurt a woman that I love, wait? Do I really love her...? Even though she fought for herself, but I know she was still hurt. I should not have gone that far. I shouldn't let my pride come in way. I should have admitted that I... really love her" Hiro sheds tears.

Rosie is crying silently... Yumi knows that she's crying and she blames herself for her situation. The very next morning, Rosie had a high fever so she couldn't attend her class. Hiro and Satoshi notices her absence and they are concerned. Kaiji and Daisuke ask Hiro about the last night but he ignores them. Hiro calls Rosie but the number is switched off. Shiro and Satoshi are at the gym, Satoshi is lost in his thought. Shiro, "Hey, what are you thinking?" Satoshi replied, "Nothing, I was just wondering why Rosie didn't come today... She usually doesn't miss class like that..." Shiro smiles and say, "A famous fashion model like you is concerned for her, she must be special" Satoshi smiles.

Yumi enters into the room, "Here, I prepare this for you... this tea is good for fever" Rosie ignores her. Yumi, "You can ignore me as much as you want but please drink this tea first" Yumi puts the tea on the table and ask Rosie to wake up, Rosie all teared up hugs Yumi tight and cries her heart out. Yumi calms her down and says, "Everything will be fine, get better as fast as you can, then I will hire a sharp-shooter to take care of him" Rosie chuckles and starts feeling better.

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