Arrival prt 1

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Liu's pov:

The trains sent us forwards as it stopped. I couldn't fight the anxiety starting to form. Keeping my face netural I followed Slender and Jeff off. 'So I guess we're doing this. For real..' 'Not like we can really do anything else.' Sully hummed in acknowledged before going silent. To help stable me slightly, I reached in my pockets. The familiar feeling of my gun helped eased the idea of something going wrong.

Jeff was unusually quiet. 'I wonder what's going on with him?' I could practically see Sully's eye roll. 'You do realize that most of his time right now is probably wonder what's with you. Right?' I didn't both fighting back the small smirk. I was behind them so it wasn't going to screw me over.

We were walking down a thin path of a group of bushs. Almost through when one started shaking. My hand grabbed my gun, not revealing it yet. Jeff jumped and instantly had a knife in his hand. Slender stared at it curious. It quickly stopped and you could hear it running off. 'That...... was werid.' 'No kidding.' I released my gun and turned to Slender. "That normally happen?" Slender didn't answer for a second. "No, that was unusual. Best we get to the mansion." Jeff glanced at him and then back at me, before nodding, putting his knife back in his hoodie.

The others continued like nothing happened. 'What even was that?' 'No clue, maybe one of the creatures here?' 'Doubt it, they wouldn't react that they if it was.' 'True.' Somone calling put to Jeff and Slender interrupted us. I saw a person with a black hoodie, blue mask with what looks like tar comming from the eyes. They stopped when they saw me though. "Uh who's that?" A male's voice asked. "E.J this is Liu." 'Ah so this is E.J, alright.' E.J walked over to me and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you." I nodded and returned the gesture. He hung back with Jeff and I saw him point to me mouthing something. Jeff nodded and I heard a surprised gasp.

I resisted an eye roll. 'Here we go.' I heard as they started whispering. "I thought he was dead!" E.j whisper-yelled. "So did I but apparently not. He hasn't explained anything." Jeff returned. 'They do realize we can hear them right?'  'Probably not.' Breaking it up before they got to personal. "You realize we can here you right?" I saw Jeff go red from embrassment and E.J rubbed the back of his neck. Thankfully they took the we as me and Slender. Nothing more serious.

Jeff's pov:

I didn't need to see E.J's face to know he was also embarrassed. Liu completely ignored us by continuing walking, along with Slender. "Talk later." E.J said. I nodded in agreement. Staring at Liu's back, I let my thoughts wonder again. He let us know he could hear him, but seemed unconcerned over being talked about. I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of Liu knowing I knew nothing. He was my brother, but he closes off so quickly and you couldn't get through. 'He's definitely being careful about what he shows and what he doesn't.' Like he has something big to hide.

But what? What in the world is he hiding? I tugged on the strings of my hoodie more confused. 'I can't demand answers.....yet I doubt he'll ever open up to me again.' It could take years to get him to talk to me. And I don't know how dangerous this secret is or could be. Maybe Slender knows, it'd explain the noises the other night. It's obivious they happened, yet neither Liu or Slender reacted to them. Maybe it has something to do with all of this? I sighed frustrated. E.J tilted his head in my direction. I waved him off for now. I knew him and BEN would ask a lot, and not just about Liu.

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