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Why hello, it's only been what. Three months? Its fine (:

Liu's pov:

Clockwork lead me through the one hallway, to the left. "This leads to the kitchen." Inside there was cupboard, high up for Slender. Stools were noticeably nearby. "Only a few people can actually reach the cupboards so the stools are there for obivious reasons." She explained, probably noticing where I was looking. 'I mean Slender is like what 10, 8 feet tall?' 'At least.' Natalie pointed to two fridges. "Ohhh kay so important detail. The left fridge holds normal food, the right holds stuff for the cannibals. Don't open it, it smells nasty." She pinched her nose for emphasis.

A chuckle escaped out of both of us. She gave a brief explanation where everything was and stuff like that before leading me elsewhere. "I know you like to read so I'll show you where the library is." She pulled on my arm like an over excited child. "He give me away huh?" I didn't bother lowering my voice. Everyone will just probably think I'm talking about someone who's not constantly in my head. I should still be careful around Jeff though. "Yeah that amoung other things." She gave a secretive smirk, that had Sully protesting. 'You're not supposed to say- SHIT.' I couldn't stop the laugh and Nat quickly caught on.

She quickly showed me the library, saying I could explore that on my own time. Before dragging me off again. We passed through a couple rooms, sometimes she explained them, sometimes she didn't. "The basement and second floors are mainly bedrooms but some groups make spots there. So we're going outside next!" She once more tugged on my arm. "Oh kay Oh kay, just don't tug my arm out of it's socket." Nat stopped for a quick second before dhe bursted out laughing. "Fair criticism." She said letting go.

She opened the front door and gestured me out. "Ladies first." She smiled. "You are such a tease." I returned but stepp outside. "I know." Her smile was ear to ear. I rolled my eyes and smirked back. Nat gestured around her. "So this is the yard, obiviously." We shared a chuckle. "So Slender and Sally grew a garden over there. I doubt you will but don't do anything bad." She left who the message was for unsaid. 'Ha ha, what is this. Why am I being targeted? I'm not even out!' I rolled my eyes but whispered what Sully said anyways.

"Listen listen, I do what I like and if you don't enjoy it. You can come out and say it to my face. Don't use Liu as the messenger." She whispered back. Challenge glinting in her emerald eye. 'Oh I will. Believe me I will...... eventually.' "Yeah key word. Eventually." I mummered back. Nat had to hold her sides as she laughed. I didn't see her a lot when we first met. But it was nice having someone to banter with. Besides Sully anyways. 'Excuse you! I'm great company!'

Slender's pov:

I just happened to glance out my window. I would smile if I could at the sight. Clockwork and Liu were outside. They seemed alright with each other, more than that actually. They both were laughing and talking inbetween each other. That's good. At least he has some company. With a small smile that is invisible, I returned to the reports. Hoodie and Masky left reports of the time I've been gone. Unfortunately the unusual incident with the bushes isn't the first. And I doubt it'll be the last. Something is going on. And I need to find out what.

It wasn't long until there was a knock. "Come in." I called. The door opened to reveal Sally and Jeff. Sally was holding a plate with something pink on it. "Jeffy and I made cookies! I brought you some!" She announced holding up the plate. Jeff smiled at her antics and shook his head slightly. "Why thank you Sally. They look delicious." I complimented as she had Jeff put them on the desk. She smiled bouncing up and down. Her teddy bear swayed in her arms. "Jeffy wanted to talk to you. Bye Slendy and Jeffy!" She called out. Jeff and I called out our own byes.

Sally's cheer quickly left the room. Jeff seemed to dim down significantly. Now that he didn't have to appear fine for his adopted sister. "What's going on child?" Jeff held his arm nervously. "Is there anything I can do.... to... you know?" Jeff's aura reeked of guilt, regret and sadness. I wanted nothing more than to hug my son. But physical contact wasn't his favorite. I stood up from the desk, moving to couch down infront of him. Bringing myself as close to his height as possible.

"Try Jeff. Try. He may seem distant, but that's because he's spent years questioning if you ever loved him. If he sees you trying, trying to make up. He'll more than willing meet you halfway. He still loves you, he still cares. He just needs to know you care too." My hand found Jeff's shoulder. Despite the carved smile, his mouth was in a front. Tears pricked his eyes. "I.... miss him. And... I don't.... I don't know if I can fix this!" Jeff sobbed into his hands.

I stood up and gently brought the boy in my arms. Jeff only reached my upper stomach. My hand found his hair, stroking through it gently. The other remained on his shoulders. Jeff's arms wrapped around me, taking the comfort offered. "Jeff, look at me." Teary blue eyes looked up. "I think you two can. You just have to show each other, that you want to fix this. You want the other back. I know there isn't a day that passes without you thinking about him. I also know there isn't a day that passes that he doesn't think about you. It'll be hard, it'll take time. But you two can repair what was broken."

"You just have to try."

Mm delicious Angst. So I noticed reading back that Jeff didn't get any form of his feelings and thoughts. I think I learned a bit about writing in these months and I hope it shows here. I'm not exactly sure where to go from here. So of you want to, what do you think should happen?

Broken BondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora