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Liu's pov:

Sully and I talked the entire way back to the house. We didn't really focus on one topic, just jumped from one to another. We didn't let things get too serious, and all the stress I've been feeling slipped away. Sully always knew how get me to laugh and smile, whether it was a good one or an embrassmented what the heck one, well it depends on what he's doing.

Unfortunately, we got close to the house too soon. If we went any further, Jeff would probably see Sully. Then we'd have a whole lot of explaining to do. Trying to reason with an angry serial killer may I add. Sully held my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. "It'll be alright." I just returned the smile, not having to force it as much this time. Sully squeezed my hand before going back into my head. I took a second to throw back up my walls and started walking towards the house. Even though I took my time with it, I was at the door in under two minutes. I grabbed the doorknob and took a deep breath before opening the door. As soon as I opened the door, I heard Jeff's angry yelling. 'So much for avoiding an angry Jeff....'

Jeff's pov:

Slender and I's 'conversation quickly turned into an agurement. At least for me it did. Slender wasn't taking this seriously. Which lead me to start screaming every curse word I've ever hear. I was going on for just under a minute when someone stepped in. "What's going on?" I turned to start yelling at who interrupted me and was met with Liu. He was standing by the doorway, confusion clear in his expression. 'The most expression I've seen on face so far.' Slender quickly filled in the silence. "You've chosen the worst time to come back." I wanted to start screaming again but I didn't want Liu to slip away. So I gave him a quick death glare before quickly grabbing Liu's wrist and dragging him to the hallway. Thank Zalgo, Slender didn't follow.

"Jeff?! What are you doing?" Liu tried to get me to slow down, probably so he could get his balance again. But I didn't bother stopping, right until I was in my temporary room. As soon as the door was shut, I slammed Liu against it and held him there by his jacket. Liu's hands instantly tried to pried mine away but I didn't give. "You have a lot of explaining to do!" I growled. For the first time since that night, I saw panic set in Liu's features. "J-Jeff let me go." Liu was definitely trying to keep his voice even, but it wasn't working. My grip tightened. "Liu. Vicki. Woods. For the love of everything start explaining." For extra measure I slammed Liu back against the door while saying his name. "Jeff, I don't understand." Liu's hands tightened around mine, still trying to pry himself loose. His voice was shaky and panic was lined underneath it. I almost laughed over his statement. "Oh so you don't understand?! You're suppose to be dead! I watched you die! Seven years later I find out that you somehow survived! And you have the guts to tell me that you don't understand?!" I felt like slamming his head against the door some more. Lucky for him I refrained. 'We haven't even gotten started. Brother.'

Liu's pov:

I instantly understood what Slender meant when he said that this was a bad time. Being pinned by a livid Jeff was something that scared me to the core. Sully banging around in my mind wasn't helping either. Sully was returning Jeff's anger tenfold. It was taking a lot to keep him from comming out or even worse taking control, and beating Jeff senseless. The other part of my focus went to not having a panic attack, which wasn't working too well, and trying to understand what Jeff's saying. "I-I don't know. O-okay? I don't know how I lived. J-Jeff, just please stop!" I couldn't keep the panic out of my voice. Even if I was able to, he would have know anyways. Every inch of me was shaking like a leaf, and I'm beginning to hyperventilate. "Stop! You're keeping shit from me! And don't you dare try to tell me otherwise. And you have the guts to tell me to calm down!" Somehow Jeff's hold on me got even tighter. Out of panic and instinct at this point, my hands dropped and I immediately grabbed my gun and aimed it towards Jeff. Who immediately let me go and backed up. I took a couple of breaths before speaking. "You act like this and ask me that? You're acting like an absolute manic! I understand that you are one at this point, but still. You act like you're going to stab me all fourth seven times over! And you wonder why I didn't tell you?!"

I couldn't keep my hold over Sully much longer and was blocking out everything he was saying, so I didn't bother waiting for Jeff's reply and just left. I heard Slender calling me worriedly but I ignored him. I hurried to my room, and locking it shut before daring to do anything else. I heard my gun once it hit the floor, thankfully not going off. I held my hand against my chest, trying to caught my breath. I leaned my weight against the door and let myself slide down to the floor. I was having a panic attack and I knew it. Thankfully Sully did too and went silent. I didn't catch on until a hand rested on my shoulder. I held the hand and used it as a lifeline. Closing my eyes I tried to get everything under control. But nothing was working! "You're breathing wrong Liu. Inhale, one, two, three, exhale one, two, three." Gentle taps on my shoulder helped me through. After maybe five minutes I was able to control my breath. My panic attack was still here but not overwhelming.

I looked at my side to unsurprisingly see Sully. I could still see anger in his expression, clear as day. But he seemed more focused on me currently. My throat closed up and I didn't trust my voice. So I nodded gratefully. I was still holding his hand like a lifeline, but the main part is over. Sully's eyes softened slightly, I could tell he's still livid but it decreased slightly. A knock on the door startled both of us and instantly Sully was back in my head. I switched to my scarf hoping it'd ground me slightly and stood up. I opened the door slightly to see Slender. He looked worried sick, at least as much as a guy without a face could. "Are you alright child? You seemed to be panicking." I opened the door a little bit more seeing it was just Slender. "I-I'm fine. Don't worry." I made sure to look where Slender's eyes would be. Slender nodded slightly seeing that I'm okay now. "I'm probably not coming down for dinner. I may just hit the hay early." After what happened there's not way I can face Jeff again. At least not for today. "I figured. I'll bring you some dinner. And I'm sorry for whatever Jeff said and or did. I will be talking with him." I nodded and closed the door again. 'How am I going to live this?' 'He'll be killed if he tries something like that again, I can assure you that.'

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