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Liu's pov:

The sounds of my footsteps was one of the only thing I hear. The morning sun shone on the forest sounding me. This is honestly one of my favorite pastimes. Ninety percent of my day was exploring the forest I called a home anymore. I settled down on the wooden frame of one of the train tracks hidden throughout the woods. Everything made sense here. It was just me and Sully. We didn't have to worry about anyone else. Our safe heaven from the cruel world surrounding it. That and the world's heaven from us. The wind brushed past fiddling with my scarf and jacket while passing. I felt a rare smile ghost my lips.

Slenderman's pov:

I decided to take a break for my chaotic home for a bit. L.J screaming bloody murder while running off of energy from a sugar rush just sent me over the edge for awhile. So I decided to visit my less chaotic proxy. Liu was one of my non chaotic proxies and he lived in his own place. Probably for the best because the others would drive him insane worse than they do me. So I enjoyed my time strolling through the woods surrounding his home. It's much more livelier than my woods but it gives it a calming peaceful aspect. I already felt calmer strolling through enjoying the sounds of the nature surrounding me. I went through the path to Liu's house and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Sully. Sully is Liu's split personality, just basically a more violent, angry and outspoken black and white version of him. "Slender? Wasn't expecting you." Sully said and opened the door more to let me inside. I stepped inside and looked around for Liu. 'I see Liu isn't here today.' Sully nodded. "Yea he's out in the woods somewhere." I nodded absent-mindedly. "There anything you need?" 'I'm taking a break from my chaotic children and decided to stop by and see how you two were doing.' Sully nodded in understanding and sat down in the kitchen counter.

Sully and I caught up for a little before I decided to find Liu. Sully told me where to find him and what path to do on and off I went. I take my time down the path enjoying the peace and calm. Later down the path I found Liu sitting down on the train tracks connecting this part to another part of the forest. Liu sat with his legs dangling off the edge and just enjoying the morning sun. Head tilted up slightly, eyes closed and a faint smile. I smiled internally, Liu looked happy an expression I rarely see on him. Joy was a rare thing I saw from Liu and it was a shame. I don't know much about Liu's past but I knew whatever happened made it extremely hard for Liu to experience joy. 'Good morning child.' I greeted Liu.

Liu's pov:

'Good morning child.' A voice rang through my head. "Morning Slenderman." I answered while standing up. "Sorry I didn't know you were coming." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head. I had no idea he was coming today. 'That's because I didn't really plan this. I needed a break from my chaotic children and decided to visit. I hope this is all good with you.' Slenderman explained. I nodded slowly. I've heard about Slenderman's "children" but I've never met them myself. It's probably a good thing. It didn't take much to figure out that Jeff was there. He seemed to be one of the people who bothered Slender the most. It's for the best that I don't seem him yet...... since I'm still figuring everything out. I shake my head slightly to disband my thoughts. It's not a road I want to go down right now. 'Child?' "Oh sorry. I was just thinking. Anyways we should probably get back to Sully."

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