LE DRAMA (I'm not being serious bout chapter names anymore)

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Slenderman's pov:

It's been about an hour since I sent Jeff out to find Liu. 'Wonder if they killed one another?' I doubt it, neither goes down easy. Stubbornness may be the only trait they share these days. That and insanity but that's a given. A sigh escaped as I folded and placed another item in Liu's bag. Since Sully isn't going to be around Jeff, I took the job of packing from him. Liu can do the final items, I'm just packing what I know he'll need. Clothes, his gun and knife, bandages, needle and threat for his stitches. I folded another shirt and placed it inside. Liu didn't have much so everything he had could fit in this bag, then be thrown over his shoulder and he's ready to go. It's sad he's been forced to live like this, but it's resourceful too. 'I just hope I'm making the right choice.' Sure their siblings, but there's just so much between them. Liu, you can tell he's reminded of that night anytime Jeff's mentioned, he's traumatized from it, it's something that really affects him. Jeff, he's angry, he's confused, it's obivious he's scared of hurting Liu, yet he doesn't want to lose him again.

I walked down the hall with my thoughts in my head. As soon as I entered the living room the front door opened. In came to two brothers. "Good to see you didn't kill each other." Jeff rolled his eyes. "No, not yet anyways." Liu mummered just loud enough to hear. A sigh escaped me again. "Liu, most of your things are packed, I'm sure you can pack everything else." A quick nod and Liu brushed past me to finish. Leaving me and Jeff. "Pack? Why does he need to pack?" "Well Liu will be staying at the mansion for awhile." This only further confused Jeff. "Why? Is something wrong?" 'So he didn't tell him.' "In all honesty, if Liu wanted you to know he'd tell you. I will not be giving you the answers for everything. You need to talk to him." I've never felt betrayal from my brothers, but Jeff and Liu did. And it understandably destroyed all the trust between them. They need to rebuilt some of it to even think of being in the other's life.

That night

Jeff's pov:

Liu showed me a bedroom I could use while I was here. We had an extremely awkward dinner and then Liu disappeared. During dinner, Slender was constantly trying to get Liu and I to talk, that or Liu to say something in general. As I said, awkward. But.... during the entire day, what Slender told me kept running through my head. I guess I do need to talk to Liu.... But how? I don't want to hurt him again and Liu's..... he's just so different now. I don't know how to read him, or how to talk to him. It's obivious something is bothering him, but I know he won't talk. He never does. Besides, how am I supposed to talk to him without Slender or soon anyone else listening in. It seems like Liu's either with Slender, or you can't find him period. And at the mansion, the walls have ears. 'Maybe I should talk to him now?' I mean Slender's asleep and I saw which room Liu's in. Before I could back out, I stood up from bed and headed towards the door.

Liu's probably alseep do I didn't bother knocking. I opened the door slowly and the first thing that caught my attention was an open window over the bed. A quick glance around the room left me more confused. 'Why are there two beds? Slender never said someone else was here...' The one side was the messy, something Liu never was and I doubt he is now. But the otherside was perfectly clean. A bag hung off one the bed posts but that's all there really was. But where's Liu?

Liu's pov:

Once again I snuck out as soon as I thought everyone was alseep. But this time Sully came with me. We went to a different crossing, one that was further away. And I actually was wearing a coat and shoes this time around. I sat on a stump right before the track while Sully was pacing. "You said you'd rant once you're out of my head. What's the matter?" Sure since Sully was my otherside, I could read his thoughts, and he can read mine. Sully bypasses this a lot, but we agreed to stay out of each other's thoughts. Sully going against the agreement used to bother me, but six years with him and I got used to it. Besides, it's better for both of us, if we verbally or even mentally rant to the other. "It's just so frustrating! We're stuck with the person who tried to kill us! And that does bother you! Don't you dare tell me it doesn't!" I nodded my head not willing to agure. It's best not to mess with Sully when he's like this. "He tried to kill us! Yet he's acting like nothing happened! And Slender's being an absolute jackass by trying to get you to interact with him! I honestly don't know how I'm gonna live with being stuck with him!" A sigh passed my lips, I stood up and walked over to Sully. Like what he did with me last night, I took his hands and held them in mine. "I know. I know this is gonna be difficult for you. And I wish I knew what to do. ......But neither of us are going to be alone for this. We're both gonna have each other, and if we have each other than we can do this." I held Sully's gaze while I was talking and gave his hands a light squeeze. Sully just pulled me into a hug and rested his head on my shoulder. "I don't know how you do this, Liu. But thank you." I returned the hug smiling softly. "I don't know how you deal with me either.."

Omg I wrote a thousand worded chapter. Woahhh. Also I know I said I'd try to be more active, but I found out that something is gonna be changing for me, and it's gonna be an adjustment. I'll spare you guys from the drama of my personal life, and just say my life's a wreck right now. So if I stop posting actively that's why. I'll try not to let this affect my posting too much but I can't promise anything. Also for my nonexistent readers, I've recently made a discord sever, so yeah. The link's in my announcements and here now: https://discord.gg/WzDFPnQ8

That's all my nonexistent readers and I'll see you next chapter!

Broken Bondsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें