There's This Thing Called Sleep

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Slenderman's pov:

It didn't take a genius to figure out Liu snuck out again. He's usually up by dawn, but when I got up this morning. There wasn't any sign of him. No breakfast that Liu would normally leave waiting before running off, nothing. But I suppose it was a predictable move. This entire situation it extremely stressful and Jeff's appearance isn't making things easier. Especially with how Sully sees him. So I didn't do anything about it. Just started on breakfast.

Jeff came out just as I finished. Even though he's still partially alseep, he instantly notice that Liu wasn't present. The question of 'where was he' was obivious in his eyes. "Liu's out in the woods somewhere. Don't know where he is." I answered the unspoke question. Jeff nodded, probably too tired to be that annoying yet. He grabbed a couple of muffins I made and sat down.

Jeff's pov:

I was about halfway down with breakfast when the door opened and shut again. "Liu, we're in the kitchen." With that said, Liu came in the kitchen with me and Slender. He was wearing a black fannel jacket over a dark green shirt, a simple pair of jeans and a pair of boots, plus of course an all to familiar black and white scarf. (If you don't get the reference and you want to, go check out my oneshot book, specifically the December chapter) "Did you even sleep last night?" Now that Slender called attention to it, I notice the bags under Liu's eyes. 'Yeah, I'm still half asleep. How didn't I notice that sooner?' Liu, in response just shrugged sheepishly, before hoisting himself on a counter. "Wasn't tired last night so got some more work done."

Slender's pov:

If I had eyes I'd be rolling them. Of course Liu was out the entire night. I'm actually surprised that I have yet to see Liu pass out from exhaustion. If he can fight it, he won't eat, and he won't sleep. I let a sigh escape me. "Breakfast, you're not going anywhere till you eat something." A quick eye roll, most likely from Sully, and Liu grabbed one of the muffins. "Alright alright, you don't need to do this everytime you visit me." Now that, that caught Jeff's attention. "Wait, this happens alot?" Liu didn't catch the concern hidden underneath, that or he did and didn't show it. Either is possible with him. Jeff was without a doubt concerned for his brother.

Liu's pov:

As soon as Jeff's question left his mouth, both Sully and I knew things are going down. Out of habit I didn't show it, but I caught the underlying concern in Jeff's voice. 'He..... cares over something like this.....?' Why though? He.... he doesn't actually care. Right? 'Maybe it's a misread?' 'Yeah... it's got to be.... but... does he really care?' 'Doubt it.' 'Yeah... you're right.' I agree with Sully, that it was just a misread and Jeff doesn't actually care..... but for some messed up reason, something in me is telling me that he does care. That it was genuinely concern that he voiced. 'Aughhh.... why.... why, why, why, WHY?! Why does my head keep doing this!' If Slender or more importantly Jeffery wasn't in the room, I probably would have gripped my head out frustration, or even better hit it against a wall. 'Come down Liu..... You're gonna give us away, and it's just your sucidial side acting up again.' 'You're right... sorry.'

I was kinda stuck in my thoughts again, and I uh didn't notice Jeff was talking to me. That is until he waved his hand infront of my face. "Liu? Yu hoo, Liu you in there?" That finally caught my attention back to reality. "Oh! Uh sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What's going on?" Slender shook his head at me, while Jeff just stared confused.

Jeff's pov:

It wasn't like Liu, at least before everything happened, to zone out like that. He rarely if at all did. It was concerning to stay the least. Why? Why did he zone out like that? What was he thinking about?" He wasn't paying attention and actually jumped when he eventually snapped back. In the past and from what I've seem now, he doesn't do that often. Yet Slender's not that surprised. While I was thinking, Slender summed up our conversation. "I believe Jeffery has a question for you. Right Jeffery?" I held back a growl. "It's Jeff dangit. Also I was just wondering if it's normal for you to do stuff like this." I had a sideways view of Liu while I said that. As I expected anymore, he didn't react and gave a half answer. "Sometimes, depends on what's going on."

Please read this note. As I said last chapter, I know I said I was gonna be more active. But something's going on for me personally, and yeah. My mom is gonna be needing my help over this week so I'm not sure if I'll have time to post. I may be able to squeeze a short chapter before bed, I may not. Sorry for this all, but I'm hoping it'll be resolved soon.

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