"Hey Piper, are you okay."

"Hmm, yeah." Piper turned around to locate the voice that had interrupted her train of thought. "I'm fine.  Thanks Pierre."

"I'm not the brightest, but I can clearly tell you aren't okay."

"It's fine, Alonso has a special talent for getting under my skin."

"Well, I don't know whether I need to say this, but I hope you know, he's the only one who thinks that way. Your reaction was entirely justified. He had no reason to speak to you like that, and we think no less of you for defending yourself. Justified arguments do not make you a bad person. If anything, Alonso looks terrible and shitty, not you." Pierre placed his hand on Piper's shoulder, in a comforting, brotherly way.

"How did you know I was feeling all that."


Piper just laughed. "Do Alpha Tauri know they employed Harry Potter?"

"Probably not. Now can we please go and party, because this down mood is making me depressed." Pierre held out his hand and led Piper back into the club. Emma immediately approached.

"Pippy, he was out of line, are you-" she stopped, shocked. "Are you laughing." 

"Yeah, Pierre is leaving F1 to go to Hogwarts."

"Kiwi, are you laughing, after what just happened."

"Yes, OMG, was she meant to implode," Pierre laughed, "we talked, and she feels better. Let's move on."

"Pierre made another human being feel better?" Charles asked in awe.

"Yeah, is that not a common occurence?" Piper laughed


"Anyway, Piper's fine now, let's move on."

The rest of the night was far better for Piper. After her brief conversation with Pierre, Piper actually allowed herself to relax. She was dancing with Emma, gossiping with Pierre, and singing, or realistically, screaming with Alex. 


Two hours, and a couple more drinks later, Piper found herself in a deep conversation with Max about fathers. 

"Yeah, so my dad wasn't the greatest." Piper finished, cautious of trauma dumping. 

"If it makes you feel better, I'm a world champion, and my dad still tells me I'm going to end up being a truck driver."

"Oof harsh" Piper laughed.

"Well, I personally love my dad." Checo said, trying to contribute to the conversation.

"Wow Checo, no need to rub in you amazing Dad." Max said with a thumbs up.

"What's happening over here?" Emma asked, approaching the trio.

"Just comparing notes on family" Piper smiled.

"Please stop giving that man air time. I am your dad Pippy." Emma laughed.

"Uh, what." Esteban questioned, joining the conversation.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know." Emma put her hand up silencing the french man.

"Okay, well Pierre sent me to get Piper. We are playing cocktail pong."

"Emma get my heels! Lets go."

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