Grandma: a ball? How fancy.

(y/n): and they said I can go with them.

Grandma: is that so? Well then let me help you get ready.


It was sundown and (y/n) looked out at the ballroom in awe.

(y/n): this place is huge.

Credo: this place is really fancy so you both act right.

(y/n): don't worry. I'll be fine.

Kyrie: me too.

The two spent most of the night exploring the ball.

Kyrie: well I think we saw everything.

(y/n): well what do you want to do now?

Kyrie: how about we dance?

(y/n): dance? I don't know how to dance.

Kyrie: well let me show you.

She takes (y/n)'s hand and leads him to the ballroom floor.

Kyrie: now go like this.

She mimes a waltz position.

(y/n): oh I've seen that before.

He got in the position and Kyrie slid into his arm and held his raised hand.

Kyrie: do you see how everyone else is dancing?

(y/n): yes.

Kyrie: I want you to move like them.

(y/n): got it.

The two began to waltz like the other dancers in the ball.

(y/n): this is really easy.

Kyrie: just wait.

The other dancers twirled their partners.

Kyrie: we have to follow the beat.

She raised his arm more and twirled herself. She then went back to (y/n) and he dipped her.

Kyrie: what are you doing?

(y/n): sorry I had too. They do that a lot in the movies.

He looked in her eyes and felt his heart racing. He pulled her up.

(y/n): this is fun.

Kyrie smiled at him. After the ball, (y/n) would dance frequently with her.

To the present

A tear began to roll down (y/n)'s face.

Pyrrha: are you okay?

(y/n): let's just get ready.


It was the evening and (y/n) was looking out at the party.

(y/n): this is a pretty good party.

Weiss: thank you. I did do most of the work.

(y/n): well you did a damn fine job.

Weiss: hey where's Pyrrha? Ruby told me you two were going together?

(y/n): I don't know? I left early after I got dressed. Anyway, who are you with?

Weiss: I don't have anyone.

(y/n): I'm sorry for you.

Pyrrha: I'm here!

(y/n) turns around and sees Pyrrha in a beautiful red dress.

Shall Never Surrender (Nero male reader X Pyrrha)Where stories live. Discover now