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3 months later: 9 months pregnant

Regina and Robin were finally settled in to their new home in LA. It's just round the corner from where her parents are staying. Regina got a job in Paul Evens Beauty Parlour and she starts when the baby is 10 months. Robin is a engineer for 'Carl Harris engineering'.
Regina was 2 weeks late and everything she did was very uncomfortable. Roland had spent the last two days at her parents as she could go in labor any minute and Robin and Henry had been looking after her.
"Any change?" Henry asked her, entering her and Robins bedroom where Regina was watching TV.
"Nope" Regina said eating a piece of chocolate.
"Have you got a name?" Henry asked, lying next to her and laughing when he took a piece of her chocolate.
"No, me and Robin can't decide" Regina said.
"What options? I'll choose one" Henry said.
"My ideas are Ellie-May, Kayla, Naomi and Trina. And robins are Ella, Malay, Louise and Tyrian. What do you like?" Regina said
"Erm, I like Ellie-May" Henry shrugs.
Regina gave him a smile and began to get up.
"Get Robin" Regina said, as she had a really bad contraction.
"Erm okay" Henry said.
"Dad! Regina wants you" Henry told his dad and he ran upstairs.
"You okay?" Robin asked walking over to her.
"Take Henry to my parents, I have a feeling this baby is coming today" Regina said.
"Oh wow! Ok!" Robin said and took Henry to her parents.
When he came back he found Regina pacing up and down the living room holding her stomach and breathing. Robin came in with Cora.
"Your mother wanted to be there" Robin said. When Regina went to speak her waters broke.
"Regina! Come on get in the car!" Cora screamed.
Once they were at the hospital they took her into the room and told her it would be a while and gave her am epidural.
After hours of waiting the baby was ready to come.
"Okay Regina! I need you too push for me!" Doctor Whale told her.
She began to push a squeezed onto robins hands.
"Ahh! Robin you suck! You suck you suck you suckkkkkk" Regina cried.
"Not long now!" Robin told her.
"You are never touching me again! Ahh!!" Regina screamed squeezing harder on to his hand.
After a lot of pushing the room was filled with the sound of crying.
"Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl!" The doctor says and handed the baby to Regina. Regina held it and smiled, and held her little hands in hers.
"Hello baby girl" Regina smiled.
"Do you have name?" Cora asked her.
"Not yet" Regina said smiling down at her little girl playing with her fingers.
"Well, we have names, we just can't decide on any" Robin said laughing as he looked at his little girl.
"I'm tired" Regina said yawning.
Robin took the baby out of Regina's hand and held her, smiling at how much she looked like her mother.
Cora put her hand on Regina's head as Regina's heart monitor began to speed up.
Robin put the baby into the incubator and walked to Regina.
"Regina?" Cora said looking at her daughter.
All of a sudden a few doctors entered the room and Regina lost consciousness.
"Can you leave please" the doctor said handing Cora the baby and shooing them out.
"What's going on?" Robin asked but got not reply.

"We have no pulse can we get a clear please" one doctor said
Nothing again

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