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Regina wakes down the hall and frowns at the loud music coming from Robins. She and Roland enter the house and she sees its only 9.40, she places Roland's pjs on his bed and he hops in them whist she takes off her extensions and makeup. She's gets in her warm pjs and checks on Roland who is reading a small book in his bed, she enters his room to find the music blaring right into his room.
"What you reading kid?" She asks him.
"The panda who lived next door, would you like me to read you some?" He asks his mother who is hopping into his bed next to him.
" I would love that!" She smiles. Roland reads her two chapters and has a big yawn.
"Okay mister, time too sleep" she says tucking him in.
"Mommy, the music is really loud" he says
"I know baby, but it's 10pm so it will stop soon" she smiles but she knew it wouldn't, luckily Roland fell asleep and didn't wake up the rest of the night, however Regina went to bed after watching a few films and checked her alarm. It was 1.55am and the music was still going. There was screaming and shouting and once again she found her self knocking on his door.
"Neighbour! How may I be of your assistance" Robin says drunkenly.
"I have a 2 year old son and work tomorrow do you mind turning it down and not shouting or do I have to get the police" Regina screams at him.
"We will keep it down" he says
"This better not turn into a daily thing Robin!" She snaps
"I never got your name" he shouts as she walks away.
"Keep it down and you will" she sasses back with a grin. She walks into her house and to her surprise the music has lowered and she could hear no screaming. Regina's head hit the pillow and was asleep in no time.

Robin shut the door after Regina and grinned.
"Okay, that enough for tonight people! There a two year old next door!" He shouts. People start to make there way out and his brother and 3 friends hit the 4 sofas. He and Henry head to bed.
"Dad, you must really like that women, you never turn off music and stop a party for anyone." Henry says and walks into his bedroom. Robin stopped in his thoughts.
Why did he feel the need to stop as soon as she knocked on.
There was something about her that was strong towards him.
Robin shuck the thought out of his head and fell asleep.

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