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Regina left Robin's apartment at around 4 to go and pick up her son.
As she was about to leave Robin grabbed her wrist and turned her around having her leaned wall.
"How about that date?" Robin smirked
"How about it" she teased
"Would you like to go on one?" Robin asked her.
"I would" she smiled.
"Great, how about Thursday? 8pm?" He smiled widely
"That would be perfect" she said and kissed him. This kiss was short but joyful.
"I'll see you around Robin Locksley" Regina says walks out.
"How do you know my last name?" He laughs
"I just tend to know these things" she laughs and walks into her apartment next door.
She smile widely and pushed herself of the door. She went to get changed and put her hair in a bun. She then remembers about work. She rings them and lies.
"Regina! Where were you?!" Marcus shouts
"I'm really not well" she lies putting on a voice and fake coughing and continues "I think I have the flu, I have been throwing up all day and only just got out of bed" she lies
"Are you ok? Well, Mia was in today so she did your clients and I need you in tomorrow!" He says and she smiles
"Tell Mia I said thanks and I will be" Regina says and puts the phone down. She then leaves and goes to pick up her son.
She arrives at her parents house and picks up her son.
"Mom, could you have him Thursday night? I have a meeting with work about new clients and I can't miss it" Regina lies.
"I would love too, Roland's no fuss" Cora says puffing up his curly hair.
"Bye mom, tell dad I said bye, where is he?" Regina asks not seeing him.
"He's out shopping, I will do." Cora smiles and waves of her daughter and grandson and they drive off.

"Mommy, do you love someone else?" Roland asks looking sad.
"What do you mean baby?" She says picking him up, and placing him on her knee and kissing his head.
"The boy next door, he's a boy your a girl and you love each other and now you won't love me as much" he cries
"I'm not in love with anyone more than I'm in love with you, you are the only one I need, but when I do find someone, I will love you just as much maybe more!" Regina explains to her son who is now smiling.
"I love you mommy" he says and gives her a hug.
"I love you too" Regina says to her son and smiles.

NeighboursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora