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This part may be triggering to some people. Please don't read if you are uncomfortable with any kind of abuse.
10 years ago: 17 year old Regina.

Regina was on her way home from Daniels house, she had just had a meal with his family for his birthday, her and Daniel had been dating since they were 14.
As Regina got to the brook, a man came out of nowhere and pinned her against the wall.
"Regina Mills" the man smiles
"Who are you?!" Regina shouts
"A friend of sisters shall I say" The man smirks.
"Zelena?" Regina says
"Yes" the man says as he touches her face.
"What do you want? Let me go" Regina shouts
"I want you.." The man says as he covers her mouth and drags her into his van.
"Let me go" Regina scream when he got of her mouth.
"I can't do that" the man says stepping closer to her.
"Why?" Regina cries.
"Because Zelena would want her money back and well.. I need it" the mans says holding her waist.
"Please, I have money just let me go" Regina cries pinned up against his table.
"Not gunna happen" the man says, undoing his belt.
"Please, don't do this" she cries moving away from him.
"Oh, I will do this, and I will enjoy it"
"Please" Regina cries.
The man grabs her legs and pulls her hand across them undoing her shorts.
"No!" Regina screams struggling to get of him. He pins her down harder and she bangs her head, knocking her in and out of conciseness, stopping her from reacting as forcefully as she would like too, resulting to a horrible night.

The next day Regina is woken up by a horrible pain in her head she suddenly remembers what happened the night before and when she got up she become really sore, everywhere.
After 5 minutes the man came in.
"Hello there dear, glad you awake" the man smiles.
"Please, don't hurt me again" Regina says crying out in pain.
"Can't make any promises" the man says and walks over to her.
He hits her over the back of the head with a large object and she is knocked out.
Regina then wakes up with cuts all on her face, the back and front of her head bleeding and a sore below.
She see's that the caravan is empty as she walks around. She see's her bag under the table and she runs to grab it. When she grabs it she takes out her phone to see 300 missed calls.
130 from her mom
47 from home
90 from her Daniel
33 from her best friend Jessica.
She quickly unlocks her phone and dials the police.
"Hello,this is the Boston please can I help you?" This women said on the phone.
"Yes, I'm Regina Mills and I-" she says but the women stops her.
"Regina Mills? 17?" The woman says
"Yes" Regina says
"We've got Regina Mills, contact the parents" the women says and comes back on the line.
"Can you tell us where you are?" The women says
"I don't know? I'm in some kind of caravan, I was blindfolded and locked in a van, he, he, raped me" regina cries.
"He's here, please help me" Regina says when she hears his car pull up.
"Stay on the phone Regina, hide the phone on speaker" the women says
"Okay" Regina says and hides the phone under a pillow with the speaker phone on so they can hear.
"Your up, fabulous, time for round 3 I think" the man says as he walks towards her.
"Please don't" Regina cries.
"Aw don't cry, I could just kill you, that's what Zelena paid me to do, but your just too darn pretty" He says and touching her vagina and works up her body to her coved chest.
"No" Regina screams and pushes him away.
"You silly girl" the man says and grabs her by the throat.
"Can't.. Breathe" Regina chocks out. The man throws her on the ground and kicks her in the leg.
"I guess I'll have to kill you then" the man says but as he turns around to get the knife Regina hits him over the head with the stick he put down and he falls to the ground. Still breathing.
"Regina? Regina? Are you okay?" The women says as Regina picks up the phone again.
"Yeah, help me" regina cries catching her breathe.
"Let me speak to her" someone screams.
"Regina?" It was her mother.
"Mom" Regina smiles.
"Are you okay? Where are you?" Her mother asks
"I'll look outside" Regina says and opens the door slowly.
"I'm at the Chanel Bridge in the woods" Regina says knowing this place.
"Regina honey, police are on there way, go and run out, get out off there!" Her mother says
"Oka- ahh! Let me go!" Regina screams as the man grabs her again.
"Regina!" Her mother screams down the phone.
Regina runs though the woods as fast as she can and the man slowly chases her, still recovering from his knock out.
She runs and hides behind the stack of bins. She doesn't breathe and watches the man fall to the ground. She gets up slowly and puts the phone to her ear.
"Something's happened! I can't hear her! You need to hur-" her mother says before Regina speaks.
"Mom. please you need to hurry! He's passed out, I'm behind the stack of bins!" Regina says catching her breathe.
"Hold on sweetie" her mother says
"Mom I can't breathe, my head hurts" Regina cries.
As she does she hears police sirens.
She grabs the massive cover that covering her as she only has on a small dress she had on last night, wanting to get it off and runs.
"Regina! Where's the man!" The police ask and she tells them.
"The ambulance is over there, hurry!" The police say and she walks over to the doctors.
"Regina, come on let's get you to the hospital, your mom dad and sister are there" the doctor says and Regina freezes.
"Zelena, she did this" Regina says.

The rest is history...

I hope you all enjoyed this! That's what happened to Regina!

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