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Regina wakes up hours later to the sound of rustling downstairs. She sits up and gets out off bed and walks into Roland's room and finds him asleep. She heads downstairs to find Robin stumbling around in the living room.
"Robin?" Regina says walking towards him.
"Regina! There you are" Robin says drunk and grabs her waist and brings her towards him.
"Get off me" Regina says and gets out of his grip.
"What's the matter?" Robin says grabbing her again.
"Just.. Go sober up, we'll talk tomorrow" Regina says and pushes him out the door.
Regina then breathes heavily and walks back to bed after checking on Henry who is still sleeping on sofa and checking on Roland who is also still sleeping.

The next morning Regina wakes up and remembers the night before. She groans and flops back down onto her pillow.
"Mommy?" Roland says peaking his head though her door.
"Morning baby" Regina smiles as her son runs in and jumps on her bed and gives her a hug.
"Can we have some breakfast?" Roland asks. Regina looks at the time and smiles when it reads '10.30am'.
"Sure" Regina smiles and gets up.
Regina makes his breakfast and places it on his lap as he watches the TV. As she was about to sit down the door goes. Regina goes to the door and opens it to find Robin. She try's shutting the door in his face but he stops it with his hand.
"What do you want?" Regina asks him.
"To know what I did to start with!" Robin says
"The fact that you don't know proves my point" she says and slams the door shut. Robin knocks on again and again until Regina answers.
She steps outside and places the door in the latch.
"Is it because of Kelly? You don't need to be jealous of her!" Robin says grabbing her hand but she pulls back and laughs.
"You think it's because of Kelly? You know what, it's the fact that I left and you didn't even notice until you wanted to leave! How long was that? Aye? 3-4 hours?" Regina shouts whisperly.
"What are you talking about? I noticed you'd left after you didn't return after half an hour." Robin says
"Your so full of bullshit that I can't even.." Regina laughs putting her head in her hands.
"You came in drunk! Don't you fucking tell me that you left after half an hour!" She continues.
"I knew you were gone! I didn't come after you because I knew you left for a reason!" Robin says
"You didn't even know I was gone, say it! You know I'm right!" Regina shouts.
"Fine! Your right! I was so caught up with catching up with Kelly that I didn't realise you had gone until I wanted to leave!" Robin says "but I'm so so sorry Regina. I hadn't seen her in so long!" He says
"Well, spend has much time as you want with her because right now, I couldn't give less shits if I tired! Oh, and your son is on my sofa" she says and walks in and Henry walks out.
"Roland's crying" he says and walks straight into his home.
Regina slams the door and sobs silently.
"Mommy? Are you ok? Why were you shouting? Why are you crying?" Roland sobs.
"I'm fine baby, now let's watch some TV" Regina says and picks up her son.
They sit on the sofa and put on the TV. Regina sits there and tears roll down her face.
Robin had done the one thing she wanted to protect herself from.

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