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Regina woke up to the sound of her alarm going off, after last night she didn't have barley enough sleep.
Regina was a hairdresser, and a good one at that! She was sometimes asked to do celebrities hair for events, she's done
Lea Michele
Lana Parrilla
Rita Ora
Arians Grande
And many more. She's works at David Hesusures Salon, it's very popular. It's 7am and she wakes up Roland.
"Baby, come on, you have kindergarten" Regina says entering her room.
"Morning mommy" Roland yawns and gets out of bed.
"Come on little lad, shall we go out for breakfast? I haven't been shopping." Regina says holing his shoulders as he walks in front of her.
"Yes please! Can we go to Granny's?" Roland claps excitedly.
"We can, go watch some TV baby" she says as she goes and gets their clothes ready. Regina wears a shot black dress and her heeled work boots. The dress code is black. She gets out a little blue shirt and dark blue denim jeans with a brown jacket and some brown little boots as its raining. She gets ready then asks Roland to get ready. She has to be at work at 9.30am as she has a 10am client and its 7.45am so she hurries her makeup but it still goes on flawlessly and then puts in her extensions and puts it in a high pony and the extended hair falls flawlessly on her back. She walks in Roland's room to find him struggling with his laces.
"Mommy, I can't do it." Roland cries.
"That's okay baby, I'll teach you tonight" Regina says as she finishes off doing his laces. Roland smiles and they walk out the door and head to granny's.
They get out the car and sit in an empty booth.
"What do you want Roland?" Regina smiles and passes him the menu.
"Bacon and egg on toast" he replies.
"Perfect!" Regina smiles and goes and takes their order.
"Hey, what can I get you?" The waitress asks
"Hi, can I have two bacon and egg on toast please" Regina smiles.
"Sure, would you like one kid sized?" The waitress smiled and looked at Roland and pulled her tongue out playfully causing him to laugh.
"Yes please" Regina giggles
"10 minutes" she says and walks away.
When their food arrives they start to eat and Roland tells her all about what he will do today
"That sounds very fun!" Regina says
"It will be!" Roland replies taking one last bite of his toast.
As soon and Regina and Roland are finished they start to walk out. As she's walking out she bumps straight into the man in the apartment next door.
"Oh am I sorry" she says picking up her bag.
"No need, I wasn't looking where I was going"
"Oh it's the party animal from next door I never got your name" Regina laughed
"Robin, you are?" He says as Regina looks at her phone, it read 8.55am
"Late!" She says and hurries her and Roland to the car. She drops Roland off at her parents Cora and Henry's house and makes her way to work. Roland doesn't start kindergarten till 11 so she drops him of at her parents and they take him and pick him up and take him to their house until Regina picks him up to take him home.
Regina arrives in 10 minutes late.
"Girl! Where you been?" Marcus, her boss asks.
"Sorry! Roland was being fussy" she lies and she puts her bag in the backroom and gets ready for her client.

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