Chapter 30 - Back Down Below

Start from the beginning

Ambush wouldn't know which cells contained their friends, so Spirit sent a nearly invisible beam of light, highlighting the ones that she knew had Timothy and Figure inside of them. Transforming into her blue light form, she began looking for Eyes' cell.

Before the sound of crashing metal sounded through the entire room.

In an instant, Shadow appeared in front of the (now open) door of Timothy's cell.

"You idiots..." Shadow growled. "I was prepared for you."

Spirit then heard the sound of running, as Halt and Rush began their attack.

Shadow was prepared for that, too.

Using his own magic, some kind of black, shadowy substance appeared on the floor, and Halt and Rush were suddenly visible. Trapped in the sticky, inky stuff.

"Let them go!" Halt cried, though Shadow ignored him.

"And I know you're down here too, Spirit," Shadow said with a wicked smile. "Show yourself. I may not be able to capture you in your light form, but I can hurt your friends. How should I torment them first?"

Spirit began looking for Eyes' cell much faster. When she found it, she marked it with the same invisible light. She then looked out, to see just how bad it had gotten.

Rush and Halt were ensnared in the shadowy ink, and were struggling to get out, all while Ambush had somehow evaded capture. Spirit caught sight of two glittering objects at the sides of her friends. A few seconds later, though, Ambush was beside them, his object in Shadow's hand.

"As you can see, I have all of your friends at my mercy. Show yourself now, and I will spare them. For now," Shadow said.

Spirit didn't show herself, as she was trying to figure out a way to pick the locks of Figure and Eyes' cells in her light form.

"Very well, then. I'll just draw their blood out slowly, so you can either save them before they bleed too much, or you can watch them bleed out and die." Shadow then summoned a large knife, and had begun approaching the other entities, preparing to kill them if he had to.

But not before Timothy got out.

Timothy leapt onto Shadow's back, nearly knocking him over.

"Let them go!" he screamed, as he began hitting Shadow.

Shadow snarled, before grabbing Timothy's shoulder, and throwing him over to where Halt, Ambush, and Rush sat. "Stupid kid," he growled.

Meanwhile, Spirit had figured out how to use her magic to unlock Eyes and Figure's cells, though she had no choice but to be in her physical form. Shadow was demanding that Spirit show herself, while Rush, Halt, and Ambush screamed obscenities at him.

Spirit held her breath as she focused her magic, and right as she heard the clicks of the locks, Shadow had grabbed her, just as the horrible sound they had heard before was sounded, twice as loud.

"Found you," Shadow said, smirking, before making Spirit visible, and throwing her over to the rest. Out of the corner of her eye, Spirit saw Eyes peering out of the door to his cell, but was concerned that she couldn't see Figure anywhere.

"Well, this was easier than I had anticipated," Shadow said with a devilish laugh. "Now you're in my grasp at last..." Shadow said with a laugh.

"And as for you..." Shadow said dangerously, turning his attention to Eyes, who was still standing in the door unsure of what to do. "I suppose I no longer need you..." he said, bringing Eyes over to the others. "I now have everything I need."

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