Chapter 28 - Restoration

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Finally, the last tape had been watched, the last memory restored. It was late into the night, and pretty much every entity was tired. And it turned out their lives before the hotel were very uninteresting. Screech, Timothy, and Window are apparently high schoolers, just really short, Rush, Halt, and Ambush had been college students in their senior years, Eyes a college dropout, while Figure was fresh out of college, living with one of his old college roommates while he looked for a job.

Oddly enough, there were no tapes about Seek, and, disappointingly, there were no tapes regarding Glitch and Jack's memories.

And Ambush and Rush were, in fact, twins. And even they could hardly believe it.

"So... what do we do now?" Ambush asks, turning to Rush as they exit the library.

"I... don't know..." Rush murmured in response. He was questioning reality. There had been years worth of memory in those tapes, and every entity was certain that they had only scratched the surface. Who knows how much of their lives they had forgotten? "I think... I think we should just try to process this..."

Ambush nodded. "I just... I don't know... It's hard to put into words..." he mumbled.

"Yeah... How do we... How do we even respond to that? We're twins. We were best friends before. What do we say?" Rush said, sharing a look with Ambush.

"We... just need time to process this revelation. I'm sure that... after some time, we'll be able to address... this..." Ambush said in response.

Rush nodded. "Though... we can't let this get in the way of our current objective. Save Figure and Timothy, and stop Shadow. We should focus on that."

"Yeah..." Ambush mumbled, before walking off, leaving Rush alone.

Rush sighed. Even though mostly everyone was with him, he couldn't help but feel an... emptiness inside of him. As he silently watched Ambush continue walking away, he couldn't help but think to himself, Why has Shadow done this? Shadow had erased every single one of their memories, even Sally's! But... how? Why?

A sudden wave of exhaustion crashed onto him like a falling tree, and Rush released a heavy sigh. He and Ambush had been the last to leave the library, spending a while puzzling over their memories together, so everyone else was probably asleep already.

With a heavy, yet empty, heart, Rush began walking to his room.


Screech couldn't sleep. He couldn't possibly sleep. Not after everything he's seen.

He could barely process it. He was tiny. He was in fucking high school, and almost everyone in the hotel towered over him, as if they were skyscrapers and he was just a small house. So either he, Window, and Timothy were incredibly short, or everyone else was just stupidly tall.

Oh, and also the fact that he was orphaned after he and his parents were hit by a car, but that's something else entirely.

Anyway, Screech couldn't sleep, and was just... staring up at the ceiling, as rain pattered gently on his window. His mind was racing, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the sea of thoughts ripping mercilessly through his head.

Screech groaned as he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. Despite his efforts, the gift of sleep wouldn't come to him, so he might as well do something.

...But what...

Screech thought for a while. He could read... No, too dark for that, and I don't have a flashlight... He could... eat...?

Not the worst idea... Screech thought, before crawling out of bed, and leaving his room. He crept through the halls, being careful and quiet, so as to not wake up everyone else. He made his way to the main hall, and navigated his way to the kitchen.

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